Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At any one time , then , the total quantity of plants in the sea may seem relatively small .
2 But , it must be stressed , this is not a call for the total abolition of animals from the research laboratory .
3 An alternative way of examining harmonic distortion is to display the total spectrum of frequencies on an oscilloscope ( Fig. 4 ) .
4 The total cost of incentives to the taxpayer for private forestry in 1988 was approximately £20 million .
5 Between 1985 and 2025 the number of pensioners was set to rise from 9 million to over 12 million ; and the total cost of pensions for the public would rise from £17 billion a year to almost £36 billion if pensions were linked with prices and to a colossal £50 billion if they were linked , as Labour wanted , to the higher of either prices or earnings .
6 ITEMISED as follows : total cost of the feeder main ; total cost of low pressure main in individual villages , including installing governors ; and the total cost of services to be laid .
7 In theory , but not usually in practice , the total mass of products of a chemical process should equal the total mass of reactants used in the process .
8 It seems that Cleaner Shrimps represent more than 15% of the total imports of invertebrates from the Far East and the damage to that trade would be significant if alternative captive-bred sources were developed .
9 A more promising approach would be the comparative one , starting from the total distribution of pronouns in Shakespeare compared to other Elizabethan sonnet-writers .
10 The total number of sources in the IRAS catalogue — mainly clouds in our Galaxy — will probably run to two hundred thousand .
11 This brought the total number of projects to 470 and total spending to ECU8,200 million .
12 English Nature has announced the addition of four new projects to its Species Recovery Programme , bringing the total number of projects to 22 .
13 He asks what each legislator might do , in the position he happens to occupy , to reduce the total number of incidents of injustice or unfairness according to his own views of what justice and fairness require .
14 In Germany the total number of refugees from eastern Europe and from developing countries was expected to reach some 200,000 in 1991 .
15 Although there was a small reduction in the total number of casualties in 1991 , it masked an increase in the number of children injured in cars who were not wearing seat belts .
16 That deal was followed by further purchases — including 128 pubs from Grand Metropolitan for £21 million and 80 from Brent Walker for £16 million — to bring the total number of pubs in the group to the present 820 .
17 There are about 1.4 million breeding cows in the British beef herd and about 3 million breeding cows in the dairy herd ; the total number of cattle of all ages and types is about 12 million .
18 But blackspots remained : one third of the total number of houses in Manchester , for example , were classed as unfit at the outbreak of war .
19 In relation to the total number of nobles in Gascony , the proportion of knights was therefore relatively small .
20 In the foundation 's view , arthritis should be taken out of that conglomerate and set up in a new and separate institute , which would bring the total number of institutes at NIH to 12 .
21 The total number of members of parties and organisations of Southern Korea which made application for consultations is recorded in the list submitted by the American delegation as 70 million persons .
22 ( 4 ) Subject to subsection ( 9 ) and ( 13 ) below , a licensing board shall consist of not less than one-quarter of the total number of members of the district or islands council and in no case shall consist of less than five such members .
23 On May 4 the former Soviet republics of Armenia , Moldova and Tajikistan joined the WHO , bringing the total number of members to 174 .
24 You may be interested to know that in January 1993 , the total number of visitors to Winfrith Technology Centre was 1821 .
25 The total number of observations for each of the ten points in increasing order of risk rating are as follows : 532 , 230 , 146 , 75 , 64 , 24 , 13 , 16 , 9 , 11 .
26 % max. with zygomatic : the numbers of maxillae with part of the zygomatic process remaining compared with the total number of maxillae in the sample ( given in the appendix ) .
27 If elimination of lead in petrol could reduce blood levels by half — as the study assumed — it would reduce average blood pressure levels by 1 to 2 points , thereby meaning that 12,000 fewer people would need treatment for hypertension annually , there would be 6,000 to 12,000 fewer heart attacks , and up to 2,655 lives would be saved — more than the total number of fatalities on the nation 's roads each year .
28 unc The number of figures after the point in the answer must always equal the total number of figures behind the point in the numbers which are to be multiplied .
29 The decline in the total number of farms in the Cantal LFA , though similar proportionally to the decline in Powys , is almost certainly more due to French national policies for improving farm structures ( including remembrement ) than to aspects of the UK 's LFA , there is much less direct official encouragement to improve agricultural structures ; rather it is the result of the way the LFA Directive is implemented , in particular the HLCA payment system .
30 Gradually the western territories became part of the Union , and the admission of Arizona and New Mexico in 1912 brought the total number of states to 48 ; the number was increased to 50 in 1959 by the addition of Alaska and Hawaii .
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