Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly it can be concluded that the circumstances of Sisson 's early life fuelled his salutary hatreds and helped form the outsider 's perspective which now makes him a scourge of the age 's insidious orthodoxies .
2 Thus it can be concluded that the LTP , and in contrast to Bliss 's group , other labs reported that there was an increase in the number of these receptors in hippocampal neurons following induction of LTP , thus moving the focus of interest about mechanism from the pre-to the postsynaptic side .
3 If it can be established by observation in some test experiment that a 10 lb. weight and a 1 lb. weight in free fall move downwards at roughly the same speed , then it can be concluded that the claim that bodies fall at speeds proportional to their weight is false .
4 It can be seen that the committee continues to recognise the difference between obtaining possession by a trick ( that is , ‘ by deception ’ in its new wide sense ) and obtaining ownership by false pretences ( again , ‘ by deception ’ ) but the committee intended , and it seems that Parliament has adopted the same approach in section 15 , that , for the purpose of finding the accused guilty , it would cease to matter whether the victim was deceived into transferring ownership or into handing over possession .
5 It can be seen that the SOED contains historical information , is formal in its style and content , and tends to use short punctuated phrases to provide coverage of each sense definition .
6 When , it can be seen that the transformation ( 12.2 ) is singular on the boundaries of the interaction region where and .
7 Yet it can be seen that the provision of residential care , in particular short term care , is vital to the future of our mentally handicapped community .
8 From the spectra it can be seen that the intensity of the β-peak relative to the α-peak is much stronger in the dielectric response compared with the mechanical measurements .
9 While the top five destinations have remained unaltered it can be seen that the United States is attracting a steadily declining share of Scottish products .
10 On the contrary , it can be seen that the standard of generalist work is raised through the training , enthusiasm and knowledge of the specialists and so is a cost-effective method of raising standards within the CAB .
11 So it can be seen that the Wolverton Royal Train , with this modern programme , will move into the 21 st century , giving Wolverton Works the unique role of conveyors of Royalty through three centuries .
12 By considering the equilibrium of a unit cube it can be seen that the moments of the stresses must sum to zero and this implies the symmetry of the stress tensor .
13 Using the classification scheme of Ellis and Schmidt ( 1977 ) , it can be seen that the singularity in region IV of the Khan-Penrose solution is clearly a scalar polynomial curvature singularity .
14 Regarding the results themselves , it can be seen that the performance of definitional overlap across a range of domains is consistently positive but highly variable .
15 Using the quotation for BP options it can be seen that the 220p calls are in-the-money as the security price is 237p .
16 In the most recent annual report of the Commissioner , which reports on her activities during the period 1 April 1991 to 31 March 1992 , it can be seen that the Commissioner received 345 enquiries and 64 formal applications for assistance .
17 It can be seen that the physician or doctor will have to bear both factors in mind when deciding if the time when a drug is to be taken is important ( see also Chapter 14 ) .
18 Thus it can be seen that the records of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic flints , few and sparse as they may be to the local researcher , may , together with palaeo-environmental information and some idea of such early hunting , fishing and gathering life-styles , lead to a real appreciation of how the landscape was used by people in these early periods in the area under study .
19 ‘ With hindsight ’ , the HAS commented , ‘ it can be seen that the exercise of moving to community care should have begun with the provision of substitute facilities for longer term dependent patients ’ .
20 In Table 1.2 it can be seen that the femur and humerus in particular are less complete , with dramatic increases in proximal femora and distal humeri in the trampled material .
21 it can be seen that the feature list for the ’ dance ’ sense of ’ ball ’ needs to be modified to include the act of ’ hitting ’ ; and with it , everything else that can occur at such a function .
22 From this recital of the general and specific duties of the doctor , it can be seen that the law in England , if understood and followed , is sensitive to the needs of patient and doctor alike .
23 It can be seen that the law of confidence is very useful at an early stage when ideas are being formulated and discussed .
24 If r = n , then it can be seen that the variance of lifetime consumption is definitely a decreasing function of a 3 .
25 Its transfer function in the unloaded condition is or Hence its unloaded transmission is given by from which it can be seen that the transmission approaches 100% as the frequency tends to zero or infinity , but reaches a minimum value of ⅔ when .
26 It can be seen that the role of the present-day psychiatric hospital is a very controversial issue , one in which official policy is very much involved .
27 From this it can be seen that the rate of exchange must fall to make the US$ more expensive .
28 Therefore , it can be seen that the application of the rational and political framework is a valuable way of identifying the underlying approach to budgeting in a school .
29 With these coordinates it can be seen that the Schwarzschild mass parameter , which is unity in the line elements ( 10.51 ) and ( 10.53 ) , is here related to the amplitudes of the approaching waves by .
30 It can be seen that the Woodward analysis of jobbing production corresponds to the description given in paragraph 3 above , but by giving each of the main types of jobbing production its own title , the Woodward analysis provides for a more accurate representation of the range of options .
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