Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] all the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now er sure the programme has been delayed for all the reasons I I 've mentioned .
2 A great deal of evidence has been given by all the associations concerned , and the Select Committee report was published in January 1989 .
3 Our success in attracting more investment from the United States than has been attracted by all the countries of western Europe put together is proof that we have created a more attractive climate for investment than anywhere else in Europe .
4 Rita May ( Mrs Archer ) , whose husband died very suddenly , has been grappling with all the problems of being now on her own after forty years of happy marriage , the last 20 of which were spent at Failand near Bristol , only a short distance from the former family home of Somerville 's Margery Fry .
5 Furthermore , nothing has yet been said about all the research that does not depend on the collection of data by the sociologist ( primary data ) but instead makes use of secondary data — the wealth of material already available from other sources , such as government statistics , personal diaries , newspapers , and other kinds of information .
6 We have now examined into Master Hussey 's means , and we are satisfied , ’ said the prince , very gravely and courteously , ‘ that even though no exact inventory has yet been made of all the property passing to you , Master Hussey , by your uncle 's will , yet you have certainly acquired assets which must be disposable , and of such a nature as to be very readily disposable .
7 We have taken all reasonable and proper steps to ensure that proper arrangements have been made for all the holidays which are advertised in this brochure and for excursions as described above and that the suppliers of the various services which will be provided to you as part of the inclusive holiday are efficient , safe and reputable businesses , and that they comply with the local and national laws and regulations of the country in which they provide those services .
8 Another apology has been made in all the charter proposals for public services .
9 This standard model , a close-knit set of theories similar in form , is in excellent agreement with all the measurements that have been made in all the world 's particle accelerators .
10 However , thanks to the efforts of Fred , Bob and a host of well-wishers , they have since been equipped with all the basics they need to start rebuilding the civilised kind of lifestyle they are obviously used to .
11 When she was most irritated by Caro 's holier-than-thou , most nearly offended by how stupid/insensitive Caro must think her , with her ‘ what a world you live in ’ , and was thinking ‘ How young , how predictable , how limited you are , ’ came the twist in the conversation , the unexpected note , that looking back along the line of the conversation , was the note Caro had been heading for all the time .
12 ‘ And we have n't been helped by all the bookings .
13 The rabbit might as well have been stuffed for all the movement it made , and I could see that it definitely was staring right at me , its little eyes not blinking , its tiny nose not sniffing , its ears untwitched .
14 I said I had no objections , but I would have to ask , you know , the committee if they had because she 's not a member as such , but obviously has been going on all the year .
15 The shields of his men broke bows against the shields of his enemies , and the shouting that had been going on all the time rose to a shattering yell .
16 And do you think , if this has been going on all the years it must have , he 's going to stop now ?
17 They 've been going through all the lorries that 've come into Dover today with some sort of connection with the Balkans .
18 The real test is whether they have been used in all the cases where there has been flagrant abuse , and I have reason to believe that the traffic commissioners are doing their job competently in that connection .
19 He was a very decent man but had not been blessed with all the faculties one would normally expect .
20 Thereupon one of the companions of our bishop took a stone which had been blessed by all the people of God and hurled it from his sling after the manner of David .
21 The same or greater loss of bone has been found in all the predator assemblages examined here .
22 Arbitrage opportunities have been found in all the markets so far tested .
23 QUOTE : ONE JUST wondered if we had been provided with all the changes of the new laws relating to lbws .
24 What has been overshadowed by all the hype about CFCs is that carbon tetrachloride ( ‘ tetra ’ ) and 1,1,1-trichloroethane ( ‘ 1,1,1 ’ ) were also included in the London revision of the protocol .
25 Surveillance equipment has been put on all the sets which are known , added Mr Wood , but even protectionists are not allowed to carry out work around the equipment during the November-June closed season .
26 There were notices in Enderley Park warning strangers that the woods were private , but the villagers had always been allowed over all the estate .
27 Since the cost of the highly controversial PWR programme would have been spread over all the stations built , it has now become considerably more expensive per reactor unit .
28 A ceasefire agreement for Bosnia has been signed by all the sides at talks in London .
29 The Great Comic Relief Vegetable Plot has been sent to all the schools in the country and Emma hopes as many as possible will stage it to raise money for Comic Relief .
30 Tom 's quick testing of her tendon reflexes revealed their characteristic briskness , and both the medical professionals realised that the condition was progressing , when they had been hoping against all the evidence that it would not .
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