Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [noun] over [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another trial in 97 patients showed an advantage for surgery over radiotherapy in forestalling the appearance of distant metastases over five years .
2 ( One might subtract the perception of the past from the perception of the future and smooth that once more as an index of optimism over time . )
3 A precedent lies in the success of securities house Smith New Court in winning £14 million in an action against Citibank over shares in Ferranti bought two months before a fraud .
4 However , in addition to providing information about the child , an indication of change over time may also be helpful in evaluating the success of previous attempts at remedial intervention .
5 At the year end the group had an excess of liabilities over assets of £2.987m and was in breach of its main banking facilities .
6 Although the number of births might fall , there was throughout this period an excess of births over deaths — and , indeed , an excess over deaths plus the loss by emigration .
7 Nevertheless it can come as a shock to a trained accountant to discover that 21 billion of net expenditure is accounted for in this way : no assets ; no liabilities , just an excess of payments over receipts of 20 ; 8 billion compared with a budgeted excess of 20.6 billion .
8 Similarly , an excess of payments over receipts can not be called a loss because apart from anything else the payments might include the acquisition of assets .
9 For thousands of years , poor drainage and an excess of rainfall over evapo-transpiration has favoured sphagnum peat growth .
10 We do not have direct evidence of other galaxies , but it seems likely that they are composed of particles and that in the universe as a whole , there is an excess of particles over antiparticles of about one particle per 10 8 photons .
11 There is thus now an excess of supply over demand which augurs badly for the UK as its North Sea oil is relatively expensive to produce and this has put certain marginal oil fields out of production .
12 What was detested was an excess of form over content , the gratuitous flamboyance of tail-fins on cars , extravagant use of cloth in clothing .
13 Measurements reveal a pronounced seasonal range in concentration at Mauna Loa of about 6–7 ppm , which reflects an excess of photosynthesis over respiration during the spring and summer , and the reverse during the autumn and winter .
14 Because the faculty receives an excess of applications over places available , having the grades listed in the table of course requirements does not mean that a place will necessarily be offered .
15 If , as seemed likely , one cause of unemployment was an excess of savings over investment , the equalisation of decisions to save and decisions to invest could be brought about by Labour 's plans for progressive taxation which would redistribute income to the poorer sections of society .
16 An excess of receipts over payments can not be called income because receipts might include capital receipts .
17 But in keeping with the healing theme of the new album , ‘ Natural Beauty ’ is an ode to preservation over annihilation and extinction .
18 Chairman Murray had said he was looking for an apology from Crosby over rumours linking the Sunderland boss in a reunion with former manager Denis Smith at Bristol City .
19 The Prime Minister has rejected an offer of talks over peace in Northern Ireland with the Sinn Fein leader , Gerry Adams .
20 We shall create an awareness of change over time , preserve an awareness of context and prepare a critique of the nature of sources .
21 Discussions of local government reorganisation in Wales were not conducted in an atmosphere of concern over population growth — quite the contrary .
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