Example sentences of "which they have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , as a chemist perhaps you 'll forgive me for dwelling largely on what we as chemists do , but of course it 's not only the chemists in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences who do things for schools — it 's right across the area — but each year , for example , we have a week set aside for sixth form visits , in which parties of sixth formers come to the School and we 're about to talk to them about university entrance , about what goes on in universities , but , most importantly , to show them some of the apparatus which they do n't have at school but which they 've probably heard about .
2 ‘ Well , they investigated , and apparently it was quite easy , because it was a very distinctive typeface , which they 'd only used on one machine .
3 These sums were separate from the 128,300 million yen which they had already confessed to paying between 1987 and 1990 , and which had been revealed in July 1991 [ see p. 38342 ] .
4 In November 1989 the 300 remaining squatters in Amsterdam were evicted , amid serious disturbances , from the buildings which they had illegally occupied for many years .
5 Only with the development of factions and the growth of the party system did it come about that monarchs found themselves confronted , in Cabinet , by Ministers presenting a united front on matters on which they had previously deliberated in the absence of the monarch .
6 Today they give us a meagre amount of the cash which they had previously taken off us in the form of grant cutbacks , ’ he said .
7 Pressure on Pérez increased on June 11 , when the main opposition Social-Christian Party ( COPEI ) withdrew Humberto Calderón Berti , the Foreign Affairs Minister , and José Ignacio Moreno León , a Minister of State who was president of the Venezuelan Fund for Investment , from the " national unity " Cabinet which they had both joined on March 10 [ see pp. 38809-10 ] .
8 Some archaeologists , irrespective of their scepticism over Ivan Koltsov 's announcement , have expressed concern that Pravda should have shown a map of the underground areas , and that Koltsov publicly described seeing local boys playing with ancient gold goblets which they had supposedly found in the underground passages .
9 Rufus had simply not known who he was , Shiva was sure of that , had not recognized him as one of the other two male members of the little community in which they had all lived in such contiguity for something like two months .
10 It was Karl Franz who led the charge of the Reiksguard at the battle of Norduin against the Bretonnians , where the Emperor 's personal valour finally broke the resistance of the Bretonnian flank guard and drove them from the narrow defile which they had defiantly held throughout the battle .
11 They had only a short time before followed the tantalising fresh scent-trail laid by Grant and Larsen , which they had then lost at the foot of the house wall .
12 The weather was fine and they were enjoying their walk when they came across the neglected remains of a large house which they had often seen in the distance from the pump-house .
13 In the case of the YCCC , the video workshop so inspired two of the members ( a husband and wife ) , that on returning to Yellow Creek they went out and bought a video which they have since used with great effect in their campaign .
14 The decision by Tesco and other groups campaigning to break the law to get their own way — which they have largely done as a result of the Government 's co-operation and collaboration — has made a serious dent in the turnover and profit of the stores that are already struggling .
15 He explains their shifts and duties , and gives them their copy of the document which they have already seen at their interview .
16 The directors , in the example given previously , can not retrospectively convert themselves into secured creditors in respect of moneys which they have previously advanced without demanding security .
17 British TV viewers will not pay more for a cable system just because one day it will be able to provide interactive services which they have never heard of , let alone want .
18 We saw earlier that , following the Neolithic Revolution , child-rearing regimes assumed an importance which they have never lost in all human cultures based on agriculture and more advanced modes of economic life .
19 Marielle , quiet spoken and nervy — though , curiously , it is she who brings a greater rhythmical stability to their playing , and who calls the expressiveness to order — talks about their new work , a jazz influenced concerto by Michel Camillo , which they have recently premiered with the Philharmonia Orchestra .
20 Employers , however , have welcomed the 1.5% pay curb , which they have long called for .
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