Example sentences of "which [pron] have [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And so I had to drag the coal scuttle up there , I was faced with that , and chop the sticks , which I 'd never done before .
2 Sorry Chief Administrator Officer and I had to provide quite a lot of statistical information which I 'd never done before but nevertheless I , I made a fairly reasonable job of it , I had an assistant and erm I , I think I got fairly well known amongst the councillors and people who mattered and then went .
3 . Erm but then we slept under every hedge , I think , along the south coast , till we lost our machine guns , collected anti-tank guns , and eventually were transferred to the Royal Artillery , but still with this county pride of Devon , which I 'd never met before .
4 Erm , I had n't actually felt that violent , I 'd been having extremes of emotion all week erm , very high , very low , very very fearful , panic attacks which I 'd never had before in my life .
5 I 'm afraid of dogs , but a rage the like of which I 'd never known before — and rarely since — took hold of me and I wanted to kill it , rip it limb from limb and tear at its throat with my teeth .
6 She later embellished it with a few words about my inability to dance again — which I 'd never indulged in — and proposed that the girls would be driven even further away .
7 ‘ We had to do manoeuvrability tests in three different cars , including a Cavalier automatic and a Corsa which I 'd never driven before .
8 ‘ In fact , it was about the only game in which I 've not picked up a knock since the start of the season .
9 Yes , this now celebrated affair , which I 've not spoken about before , did actually happen .
10 Which I 've already explained where 's that other cup and cheese
11 on the faxes , just erm one item that came up really from yesterday which I 've already passed on to , to Sheila from the south cos it was raised at the south meeting but I think it 's relevant to everybody .
12 but it left me with an interest in Leeds United which I 've never shaken off , nor have I ever wnated to .
13 ‘ But I am allowed to say I was deeply disappointed , because he let things go on which I 've never seen before in my time back in England .
14 As I took my place in the darkened centre stage for the opening of the first act , and the lights slowly came up , I saw a sight which I 've never seen before , a sight which chilled me to the marrow and froze me to the spot .
15 The modem world from which I had briefly stepped aside seemed to come crowding in again .
16 Last summer the common fluttered with holly blues , which I had not seen before .
17 This time Miss Havisham was in another room , which I had not seen before .
18 ‘ I thought it was food poisoning because I had prepared fish which I had not cooked properly and when the doctor arrived he thought the same way .
19 I have also just finished ‘ The Well of Loneliness ’ , which I had not read previously .
20 I snap , eyeing the lobsters , and observing a dozen fat oysters , discreetly arranged around them , which I had n't noticed before .
21 Which I had n't known about or my mother and otherwise living near enough they could have s done that school and gone through from five years to er fourteen .
22 When I became fully aware of this , I gave all of my fashionable new clothes to ‘ Oxfam ’ and fished out my old blue jeans and ‘ sloppy joe ’ jumper which I had nearly thrown out only a few weeks before .
23 This was an appointment which I had repeatedly put off but which at last I was being forced to keep .
24 Pike gave us all four verses , including the one about the wagon train being painted green , which I had never heard before .
25 She mentioned a concoction which I had never encountered before .
26 I thought of Sir Charles ' death , and the awful sound of the hound , which I had now heard twice .
27 This then is a ragbag of pieces , some still to be performed out loud , which I have n't collected together till now .
28 Well , who do you live with , if I let you live , which I have n't decided yet ? ’
29 ‘ I 'll not tolerate activities that can blow up in our faces which I have n't known about . ’
30 I wo n't be in on Monday so people will have to come in on Monday somebody will have to come in on Monday , go to the room specified which I have n't agreed yet and then put it on and then bring it back again to so people who ca n't make it today , that that 's the alternative arrangement but I 'll tell you more when I come back at eleven o'clock , okay ?
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