Example sentences of "as [pron] have [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ( I used the royal ‘ we ’ as I had not asked yet ! )
2 We were taken off for a shower — which was welcome as I had n't washed properly since the night before I left London- and then shown our beds in the barrack rooms on the second and third floors .
3 Jenny , as I had already worked out , was a woman of some means and she clearly was n't bothered by the fact she was having to subsidize me .
4 Then , for five minutes at least , he was still again , and then , when he knew he was talking with God , his arm went around my shoulder and there came up from the depth of his heart such petitions for men as I had never heard be-fore .
5 As silently as I could , I began to move away , and as soon as I was clear of the trees , began to run as I had never run before .
6 I should n't think this boring as I had sometimes done before .
7 As I 've already pointed out , I had no real television training as such .
8 Public relations well as I 've already outlined there the actual fiasco surrounding the proposed er share repurchase there was a public relations nightmare form beginning to end .
9 But by by the same token , as as I 've already set out in in my submission , we we believe there is an urgent need and a justifiable demand in Selby District and that 's partly related to the need to have a distribution of available employment opportunities throughout the district .
10 Er that is very welcome , and also that there will be help at the weekends because as I 've often reported before , that 's often when things escalate at weekends for some unknown reason .
11 In fact , I perceived once again , as I have repeatedly done since , that young people — and this applies to girls just as much as to boys — need , almost to the point of desperation , writers , inevitably older , who speak to their generation and in their language , or at least in language which , once they hear it , they perceive to be theirs .
12 It would be madness for me to refuse you through hurt pride when all I want to do is be with you , as I have just found out . ’
13 As I have already pointed out , even so-called ‘ tactical ’ nuclear weapons are in reality indiscriminate in their effect .
14 Handscomb has served the equivalent of a 15-year notional determinate sentence now , a sentence which , as I have already pointed out , is well in excess of the maximum fixed-term sentence passed for this offence in recent years .
15 I shall not give way , as I have already done so several times .
16 Apart from anything else , coffee is not drunk by the Chinese , which makes me very glad I bought my packets of Nescafe , and rather annoyed that I did n't bring more , as I have already used up more than a third of my coffee .
17 They did not look as though they were suckering in the baleful way that the ordinary stag's-horn sumach does , but as I have not grown either myself yet , I can not vouch for their good behaviour .
18 Can you please tell me what the rules are as regards holding cash , as I have recently taken out a personal equity plan ?
19 My idea was partly to make sure of a good time , as I have always had there , and partly to set the tone for my future articles .
20 No , I took it home , I I was sort of leaving that to you you know , as you say , as you 've just mentioned now that , but no , I thought when you first of you said have n't got the time to put these all the layers of on , you know and
21 I 'd just like to point out that erm on the street collections as you 've always done before , AvaRag and NovaSports do n't generally get passed , because they do n't actually help anybody in Oxford .
22 His attention had been fiercely concentrated on the back of the girl as she had slowly walked away , his blue eyes narrowed in appreciation .
23 She began to regard herself as she had not done before , and what she saw she no longer understood at all .
24 This young girl enjoyed mixing with others her own age , as she had not done so before now .
25 AT1 said that she did not notice any difference in this regard but was nevertheless glad of the opportunity which the review had afforded to meet the Head personally , as she had not done so since her interview on appointment some years previously .
26 Warned that she could only stay for a few moments , Laura had sat down quietly in a chair beside the bed , taking her cousin 's inert , pale hand and praying , as she had never prayed before , that Liz would be able to survive her ordeal .
27 She ran as she had never run before .
28 She ran as she had never run before — still clutching the shoe-parcel and the flags .
29 Doreen Wranklin could n't understand it as she had always paid up on time .
30 She had promised to take me sailing , and Paula had let her borrow the boat for a few hours , as she had often done before .
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