Example sentences of "had been [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was also noted by the Court of Appeal , at p. 379C , that the Report of the Review Committee on Insolvency Law and Practice ( 1982 ) ( Cmnd. 8558 ) under the Chairmanship of Sir Kenneth Cork considered that the power , contained in any well-drawn floating charge , to appoint a receiver and manager of the property and undertaking of a company had been of outstanding public benefit .
2 Only thirty-four had been to other secondary schools , scarcely more than the number from the second most popular public school , Harrow .
3 She had been to Nice countless times .
4 SIR — A 37-year-old man , who had been on total parenteral nutrition for 2½ years after excision of his small bowel for a mesenteric desmoid tumour , found this regimen unacceptable and sought a small bowel allograft .
5 Mr David Ryan , who held the post in SouthWest Durham , had been on extended sick leave for some time and Mr Smith suspected rumours could have sprung from that fact .
6 Until April 1992 all his flying experience had been on conventional three-axis control aircraft .
7 In the lands west of the Rhine , there was in principle , as there had been in late Roman times , a count for each civitas , though in practice , one man often held two or more neighbouring civitates .
8 The Cooperative had been in severe financial difficulties for several years and in 1981 , after its own bank had withdrawn its support , it turned for help to the Canadian Cooperative Credit Society .
9 He claimed she had been in severe financial difficulties at the time .
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