Example sentences of "but [pron] be [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm talking about saving human life governments over the last twenty years , troops over the last twenty years , policemen over the last twenty years , laws over the last twenty years , and politicians , including myself , have all failed in all the efforts that we 've made including condemnation of violence , everything , but I am now saying that this dialogue is the best hope I 've seen or , surely I 'm entitled to say to the Prime Minister , alright given that I have said that why do n't you put me to the test ?
2 I kept talking to his mother and the girl at the cash-register , but I was so distracted that I did n't know what I was saying .
3 But I was certainly hoping that they [ the widows ] might get a better response .
4 Yes , I was surprised because it 's an unusual course for a judge to take , but I was very encouraged that he chose to do so by the terms of his remarks .
5 But I 'm just content that things have been going pretty well on the field so far .
6 Her instinct , almost irresistible , was to throw it at him , but she was fast learning that there were impulses which a person in her position could not afford to follow .
7 Well , I think we 're talking here about hospitals in particular and not GP practice but we 're also saying that this is something which the enthusiastic and bright and very capable people we have in our health service are very keen on because they believe it will do better for their patients .
8 Chairman , if , if I may and it is just basically to look at the recommendation and wonder you know perhaps if we 've got it the right way round er that 's all , where we 're saying er there are certain things still outstanding wh which we would need to re-relate before er issuing er general conformity notices I understand b but we 're almost taking that they 're going to do that without any doubt , now I do n't know maybe there are things not said in this report which are well understood , but and members of are quite happy to accept erm er s some more more changes to , to the local plan so that it does conform with with the structure plan , but I just wondered whether round the wrong way .
9 Er this year we actually made three four seven but we 're still thinking that we will make two thousand pounds .
10 One one six , that 's , that 's what it was , but we 're actually saying that 's increased to two million in ninety three ninety four .
11 But we are also emphasising that proper provision must be made to collect , store safely and dispose of even reduced amounts .
12 But we are soon warned that the young officer in the Venturer hides in his memory the image of a girl met years before , so that his response to a strange night-vision seems entirely logical .
13 But we are reliably informed that Angus will be back on his feet and more importantly that seat tomorrow .
14 On balance the evidence suggests that the Liberal decline began before the First World War , but there is no denying that the war speeded up this process .
15 Alex Ferguson might have doubts about his ability as a team player , but there is no denying that , when the mood takes him , Hughes can be a devastating striker .
16 He came to spend the night , by agreement , twice a week and she saw him every day but there was no denying that he seemed a visitor and never a member of her household .
17 But there was no denying that today his wife was better than he had known her for many many months .
18 She was awfully fond of her husband , of course , but there was no denying that their own lovemaking had become just a little predictable .
19 Most exporters would like to avoid exchange risk by invoicing in Sterling but they are now finding that markets will set the price and the method of pricing .
20 Johnny , but he 's since insisted that he be addressed as John . ’
21 Karl was judged to be a normal , pleasant boy when he started as a clerical assistant in February 1943 , but he was soon complaining that the work he was given was boring and that his pay — 1/6d an hour — was not enough .
22 But he was soon to find that Tolkien had more to offer him than the chance to learn Old Norse .
23 Before mid-summer Baldwin did not believe that the Government could last beyond the autumn , but he was still hoping that he could get his Aix holiday .
24 Several attempts , he wrote , had been made by " former prospectors " to sink upon this lode " but it is heavily watered that they could not go down more than 3 or 4 fathoms deep " .
25 But it is also believed that such cellular circulation develops on smooth coasts with uniform offshore bottom topography .
26 But it is also emphasized that professional competence is not something that can or should be taken for granted , and that the intimate knowledge of the carer-counsellor can often be as useful as the most vaunted professional .
27 Sir , the pond in D thirty nine has been shown to be a breeding place for the Great Crested Newt , but it is also known that it migrates to other ponds , several others , but does not necessarily breed there , but chooses at Skelton .
28 The National Trust is currently undertaking a structural survey which will reveal the full scale of the damage , but it is already known that extensive harm has been done to the brickwork , windows and terrace .
29 The significance of migrating larvae of S. vulgaris in natural cases of colic is difficult to assess , but it is generally recognised that where strongyle infections of horses are efficiently controlled the incidence of colic is markedly decreased .
30 There are no rules defining the distinction between runners and strips , but it is generally accepted that a runner is relatively large ( halfway or corridor size ) , whereas a strip is rarely more than .
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