Example sentences of "from [art] [noun sg] of [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Hence , from the beginning of intervention the social worker may be placed in the position of parent — loving or harsh — in the mind of the client .
2 From the beginning of August the work of classic modern artists René Magritte , Max Ernst and Henri Laurens can be seen alongside those of an array of contemporary artists associated with the gallery , including Gerhard Altenbourg , Bernhard Heisig , Jürgen Brodwof , Rolf Szymanki , Hejke Ruschmeyer , Horst Antes and Fernando Botero .
3 General unions on the other hand are open to membership from a huge variety of occupational groups e.g. clerical workers , labourers , cleaners , technicians etc. , The term ‘ white collar union ’ is derived from the type of clothes the members of such unions wore .
4 The benefits to industrial and commercial firms in enterprise zones are available for 10 years from the date of designation The main benefits are as follows .
5 The major saving from the line-out system came from the enhanced production stability brought about by the release from the inflexibility of line-working the system brought .
6 A survey of Central American women 's development programmes carried out by the Mexican government 's " Women 's Documentation Centre " in April 1982 produced from the Ministry of Education the following list of publications on women 's issues available in El Salvador : Vision Magazine ; Today At Home ; TV Guide ; Vanity ; Cosmopolitan ; Good Housekeeping .
7 Just as we derive our reality and uniqueness from the life of God the Trinity , so true human intimacy derives its reality and validity from God 's love given to us .
8 The time span of the objects runs from the invasion of Alexander the Great in 329–325 BC to the eve of the Islamic conquest in the eighth century AD .
9 The whole notion of society was patriarchial , from the concept of God the father right down to the father who actually dominated the household and dictated even when the rosary should be said , and so forth .
10 As Bürger has it : ‘ Aestheticism had made the distance from the praxis of life the content of works .
11 Distinct from the flow of energy the designer is , at this stage , thinking about the flow of information .
12 The farther away they were from the centre of authority the easier it was .
13 I exclude from the question of compensation the element of injury to the eye , which I feel was accidental and not due to any negligence . ’
14 Quite apart from the drafting of contracts the task of the engineer involves a great deal of communication , much of it by the written word .
15 Successfully , for the whirlybird changed direction , heading straight for them , and Travis backed off , returning to the hut in time to shield her from the cloud of sand the machine whipped up as it landed .
16 To the visitor who approaches the south side of the palace today from the harbour of Split the once magnificent south wall and colonnade are disappointing and a clearer idea of the original splendour of this elevation can be gained from Robert Adam 's drawing made in 1764 before the shops were built in front of it at ground level .
17 Finally , from the time of Peter the Great decision-making power was concentrated in undiluted form in the hands of the monarch .
18 But this attitude changed from the time of Alexander the Great ( 336–323BC ) ( fig. 14 ) .
19 From the time of Bede the Christian era became established for the dating of charters , but at first only in England .
20 In both cases , though some parallel texts survive from Lotharingia , from East Francia and Italy , the bulk of the evidence comes from the kingdom of Charles the Bald .
21 If his work has an image inside itself , it is I think the horn that Éomer gives to Merry , only a small one , but one from the hoard of Scatha the Worm and brought from the North by Eorl the Young .
22 To take a few examples : J. Uvedale asked Thomas Cromwell in 1537 to find him a place with the King or with Prince Edward ; Ralph Sadler asked Cromwell to help him obtain from the Bishop of London the keepership of a park in Essex ; John Varney wanted Cromwell to get the King 's signature approving his petition for a life patent of his stewardship of Berkhamsted and King 's Langley ; Lord Sheffield hinted to Robert Cecil that he would like the vacant position of Lord Chamberlain ; and so on .
23 You 've described your coin very carefully and therefore I am able to tell you that it is a barbarous version of a standard issue from the reign of Constantine the Great ( 307–337 AD ) .
24 from the reign of Ivan the Terrible ( 1547–84 ) to the present day , Russia 's northern empire east of the Urals has played an often crucial — sometimes direct , sometimes indirect — though frequently unacknowledged , role in the development of the Russian state and society .
25 Could we hear from the director of administration the of the year because I had n't known things could be , it seems to me exactly what I had advised the Chairman because I could not believe that on the basis that you want this referred to the full Council .
26 And from the moment of birth the child is learning -learning to know its own body and bodily needs , learning to distinguish itself from the world around it , learning something about its relationships to things and people in that world .
27 From the moment of conception the physical development of a human being follows a steady progression that spans the moment of birth — however that moment may be defined .
28 Has erm as a lodge , did did you anything from the sort of organization the women had ?
29 From a wealth of evidence the author shows that as powerful , influential and educated Germans embraced the values and beliefs of the Enlightenment , so they gave growing moral , material and manpower support to chemistry .
30 20 ( Above ) Head from a statue of Alexander the Great ( d.323 BC ) .
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