Example sentences of "he [was/were] [verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 His head had an odd tilt or cock to it , set on the shoulders as if he were looking up from the bars of a drop-handled bike .
2 I followed him out of the City until I was convinced he was packing up for the day .
3 Richard 's face was bleeding and she knew he was shouting up at the people .
4 He wriggled back further on the bed till he was leaning up against the wall .
5 At the storming of this fortress on 19 January he was blown up at the head of his brigade when a French magazine exploded , killing 108 men .
6 While there he was called up by the England squad when the touring team ran into injury trouble last summer .
7 While there he was called up by the England squad when the touring team ran into injury trouble last summer .
8 Recently he was called up by the Customs and Excise about 20 videos ( mostly tapes from TV ) a friend had sent him from America .
9 He was looking up at the sign over the door .
10 He was b he was born up in the mountains
11 He was swallowed up in the fog .
12 As he was led up from the cells and into a cage , there was bedlam in the courtroom .
13 He was tied up in the garden but was put in a pen at night .
14 It would give him pleasure to make jokes that were n't funny while he was dressed up in the wedding-dress of a woman he claimed had been murdered also .
15 He was gazing up at the stars , probably communing with the Mother Ship and receiving new instructions .
16 He was fed up with the whole situation , and all Francesca 's family .
17 He was fed up with the politics of big business .
18 He was drawing up outside the hall when he thought of Graham Young .
19 By day 22 he was getting up at the ‘ correct ’ time ( that is , his morning and real morning coincided ) , but had lost a whole day .
20 During the sittings , he was always in good spirits ; and as long as you did not try to glimpse what he was putting up on the canvas , he would dilate on any subject that took his fancy .
21 When he arrived in Bristol he was put up in the old Bright 's ( temperance ) Hotel at the rear of the present Dingle 's store .
22 Even during the summer term he was wrapped up against the elements in waterproof jacket and leggings — his head encased in a leather helmet with ear-flaps .
23 When Keating painted in the style of Palmer , he was picked up by the Fraud Squad .
24 Ronnie , 54 , hit the headlines when he thumped the mayor in the face after his civic car ran over Christmas lights he was stringing up in the centre of Frome , Somerset .
25 Thakin Thein Pe made his way out to India where he received scant encouragement until he was taken up by the cloak-and-dagger organisation , Force 136 , which was desperately trying to justify its mysterious and expensive existence .
26 Until he was taken up by the Princesse Mathilde .
27 He was set up as the triggerman for the massacre by those forces inside President F.W. de Klerk 's administration determined to hang on to white power at all costs .
28 If Darwin showed biologically that evolution was nature 's way of natural selection and continual improvement , he was backed up on the social level by all the great social theorists who taught one version or another of perpetual progress .
29 She turned around , groping for the door-handle , and saw he was staring up at the small terraced house with interest .
30 Despite the fact that he was personally on only the periphery of the Polanski affair , he was caught up in the backwash , in the resultant discussion of the wider issues of the counter-culture , and it was in this category that the critics had firmly placed their new star as the analysis of his role in Easy Rider continued through the run-up to the Oscar presentations and beyond .
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