Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] of [noun prp] the " in BNC.

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1 On 7 September on the field of Borodino the Russians inflicted the worst savaging any army of Napoleon 's had ever suffered , before withdrawing in good order .
2 From John Barbour 's 14th century epic poem ‘ The Brus ’ , on the life of Robert the Bruce , and Walter Bower 's 15th century history book Scotichronicon through the 20th century Scottish Renaissance authors , ending with WL Lorimer 's The New Testament in Scots , the exhibition provides the spectator with a view of Scottish history through its greatest pieces of literature .
3 The West Frankish syndrome is difficult to account for unless we assume a measure of sustained interest on the part of Charles the Bald himself .
4 Will he urge on the Government of India the importance of allowing independent observers and visitors into that region , and of taking up Pakistan 's offer that independent observers should be stationed along the line of control , to deal with the movement of people and the problem of terrorism , as well as the human rights issue ?
5 About four o'clock on the afternoon of April the eighteenth , 1928 . ’
6 ‘ Well , ’ McDunn says , looking at his notebook , ‘ we 've found people who think they remember seeing you in the Broughton Arms Hotel on the night of Sunday the twenty-fifth of October , when Sir Rufus was murdered . ’
7 One can hardly go up to an admiral of the fleet and ask him what he was doing on the night of Friday the thirteenth .
8 Mrs Titcomb , who 's eighty two last saw Christine on the night of Wednesday the 18th of November , in a Swindon club .
9 Mrs Titcomb , who 's eighty two last saw Christine on the night of Wednesday the 18th of November , in a Swindon club .
10 Er and the proposal that I shall report is the and in particular those matter our certainty of responsibility between various agencies needs to be addressed erm it arose obviously are much more widespread than in the past week , but er I was granted in fact to give consideration to this result of the parish meeting , conventional routine parish meeting at Barnham er on the fourth of January erm which led to the largest parish meetings I think they 've had in many years erm when because people were incensed with the suffering and the hardship that they had as a result of the flooding on the night of Thursday the thirtieth of December erm should let me say first of all that erm I would congratulate all those who were involved er in dealing with the present emergency operations erm it 's quite superb , it 's erm it seemed to be erm a remarkable reflection on the capacity er that to deal with certain circumstances reflects very well on this authority and in saying that I mean it 's not just the opposites to the men and women who are involved , but also whereas I 'm sure many members are here that members amongst our numbers have putting on very long hours in dealing with the present circumstances and I congratulate on the activities .
11 In a most interesting essay in the recent volume of Essays on the Depopulation of Melanesia the great psychologist W. H. R. Rivers adduces evidence which has led him to believe that the natives of that unfortunate archipelago are dying out principally for the reason that the ‘ Civilization ’ forced upon them has deprived them of all interest in life .
12 Hari knocked on the door of Cleg the Coals house , smiling as a small girl rushed past her , eyes wide with excitement .
13 On 31 March at Zebit on the border of Begemder the armies of the north and south once again joined battle .
14 When Ruth wakened on the morning of May the tenth her first thought was that this , God willing , was the day they would sail into New York harbour .
15 Last night , I went to see the Constable : Catesby and his manservant arrived here on the morning of October the ninth .
16 A magazine was preparing a cover story on the emergence of Jack the star and in their background investigations , which took them to Neptune in search of old chums , discovered the secret that Mud had kept from him since birth .
17 Across the water the Mull of Kin tyre was shrouded in mist but on the Cock of Arran the sun still shone .
18 On the evening of Sunday the fourth of November , er I received a telephone call at my home address from er Inspector .
19 Recording in Edinburgh on the evening of Friday the fourteenth er contributors
20 Again we find gaps in the fortunes of the Palace as on the death of Haymo the buildings in all his manors were decaying for want of repair , and our next mention of the Palace is in 1359 , when the Manor of Halling with its hamlet is mentioned as being taxed at £38 10 8d .
21 On the death of Herod the Great , the Roman Emperor Augustus divided the kingdom among three of Herod 's sons , Archelaus , Herod Antipas and Philip .
22 TYNE-Tees televised Sunday Mass from St Joseph 's Middlesbrough ( pictured ) on the Feast of Christ the King the following comments speak for themselves :
23 ‘ I together with countless others had the pleasure of ‘ attending ’ your Mass on the feast of Christ the King , televised and very much appreciated ’ .
24 In April 1050 he and Bishop Hermann [ q.v. ] of Ramsbury visited Rome on an errand of Edward the Confessor [ q.v. ] ; according to later and possibly unreliable sources it was to secure the king 's release from a vow of pilgrimage made before his accession .
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