Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] be [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 And of course sometimes during this apprenticeship Boy knew that what he really wanted was not to be taught to be one of us , not to be taught how to be a man at all , but to be reassured that he might somehow remain a boy forever .
2 If the pages of press coverage , including a Times leader , were anything to go by , the Granada 500 could be considered to be one of the most prestigious and important election programmes of this campaign .
3 The relevant indifference curve may be considered to be that of a ‘ representative voter ’ .
4 Since neither House can by its own declaration create a new privilege , privilege may be considered to be capable of being ascertained and thus judicially known to the courts .
5 The applicant is required to certify that he has taken nature conservation into account when implementing his scheme , even though the average farmer can not be expected to be capable of assessing such impacts .
6 we replied that our only object was to secure a Government on such lines and with such a prospect of stability that it might reasonably be expected to be capable of carrying on the war ; that in our opinion his Government , weakened by the resignations of Lloyd George and Bonar Law and by all that had gone on during the past weeks , offered no such prospect and we answered the question therefore with a perfectly definite negative .
7 By the nature of your job , you may reasonably be expected to be aware of the standards that are required .
8 It seems that a similar test might be applicable to international legal incapacity ; where a prior treaty is well-known and public , a third party can be expected to be aware of any limitations upon the capacity of a treaty member to enter into a treaty with itself .
9 He said , trades council delegates can hardly be deemed to be representative of the broad interests of our movement .
10 The first is that there may well be disagreement as to whether , on analytical grounds , a question should be deemed to be one of law or fact .
11 It would suggest the need for assessment in a variety of settings , and that an attempt should be made to be aware of milieu bias .
12 Eckmire , anxious to be seen to be supportive of the departing champion , added : ‘ Our sponsorship position has always assumed that Nigel would be driving for Williams next year and we echo the British public 's sentiments . ’
13 Similarly , any leading capitalist country which wishes to exert hegemonic influence over the other capitalist economies must be seen to be capable of defending those political and strategic interests which its economic supremacy has given it .
14 Not until it does begin to react to such objects in recognisable and predictably different ways can the baby be said to be capable of noticing the objects in question .
15 A new form of layout can not , without more , be said to be capable of industrial application .
16 The attitude towards science in the Eagle could be said to be typical of UK comics generally .
17 For it is being questioned whether a symbol which would appear to be necessarily male can be said to be inclusive of all humanity .
18 Bukharin 's own theory of capitalist crisis can be said to be one of disproportionality .
19 As a research project , it could be said to be one of the ‘ old-fashioned ’ kind ; it had to be done on a shoestring .
20 Skill in letter-writing is by no means evenly distributed among the population and letter-writers can not be said to be representative of the general population .
21 Only Richard Elliott , Headmaster of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb at Margate , and the Reverend William Stainer , chairman of the London Schools Board Classes for the Deaf , could be said to be representative of the dominant system of education then prevailing in British schools .
22 This will account for the fact that although it is the obvious lesson of Darwinism that species mutate , they can not be said to be aware of this nor in any sense to change themselves .
23 How far can the characteristics suggested for tribunals be said to be true of tribunals to the exclusion of other forms of dispute resolution ?
24 ‘ Brother shall deliver up brother to death ’ could be said to be true of Jerome , for if he had not killed he had indeed delivered Aldhelm to his death .
25 The sample will not be random , but will be selected to be representative of children in special schools for EBD in terms of social , gender distribution and behaviour problems described by teachers at the time of referral .
26 Telling a child that he or she is bad when they have behaved wrongly is common in the West , but as Susan Sontag has observed , it is unheard of in the East , where the child would be told to be ashamed of itself .
27 Thus the total number of transactions T in the economy can be taken to be fixed if full employment is the norm , or alternatively the assumption that the quantity of money has no permanent effect on the real sector of the economy implies that T is independent of M. Consequently there should be a definite relationship between the quantity of money and the price level if the velocity of circulation can also be shown to be independent of M.
28 Its task is the Defence of the Realm as a whole , from external and internal dangers arising from attempts of espionage and sabotage , or from actions of persons and organisations whether directed from within or without the country , which may be judged to be subversive of the State .
29 Its task is the Defence of the Realm as a whole , from external and internal dangers arising from attempts at espionage and sabotage , or from actions of persons and organizations whether directed from within or without the country , which may be judged to be subversive of the State .
30 These ‘ leaders ’ may be assumed to be aware of each other 's power and reliably to report it .
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