Example sentences of "whole series of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once policy had been hammered out — and sometimes before it had — there were also a whole series of committees with representatives from the regions who needed to be consulted and informed on the views of headquarters .
2 I would , I would have to be absolutely honest and that and er I would n't exclude myself from that particular er way of thinking because when they moved in , when you got a time for a job , erm for example there was one particular job that I was on erm and I thought that I was doing it reasonable accurately and rapidly , erm and they wanted to introduce a new fixture so that you know , I could do the whole series of faces on it .
3 Play , Dreams and Imitation in Childhood may be related to a whole series of studies of cognitive development by piaget .
4 What is meant by quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect in Article 30 of the Treaty has been the subject of a whole series of decisions of the European Court to which the attention of the Court of Appeal ought to have been drawn .
5 It was Stalin 's unfortunate deviation which led to the whole series of attempts by Western European Marxists to return-to-Marx — the major examples in France being Sartre and Althusser , and in Germany the Frankfurt School .
6 There has been a whole series of changes to the scheme since its introduction in April 1983 , with additional reforms a likely prospect .
7 Foucault argues that a whole series of movements since the nineteenth century , including various anthropologizing Marxisms , have developed complicitly with this so as to preserve the sovereignty of the subject against Marx 's and others ' decentrings : positivism , the Hegelian Marxism of Lukács , the Marxist humanism of Sartre , as well as various theories of cultural totalities such as that of the Frankfurt School .
8 As is well known , Marx outlined in general terms the course of the total social reproduction , proceeding from a whole series of premises to simplifying the situation …
9 The alarm pheromone of the weaver ant is a complex message stimulating a whole series of responses in its nestmates .
10 SAVE has published a whole series of reports on country houses at risk , entitled Tomorrow 's Ruins , Silent Mansions and Endangered Domains , illustrating fine houses under threat .
11 A whole series of lies about the Revolution , FAKOUM , the IP and the Civil War followed , centring on the deaths caused by the IP-FAKOUM conflict which she magnified by a factor of one hundred .
12 By taking a whole series of slices through the fossilised skull , the shape of the cavities that contained the nerves and blood vessels can be charted .
13 A whole series of arguments against correctionalism can be discerned , originating from various sources , but all gaining impetus in the 1960s and early 1970s : the corrective stance was seen as being inappropriate to an academic discipline in that its partiality had the effect of distorting the nature and appearance of the phenomena it was studying ; it was seen as neglecting the possibility that crime may have positive qualities and consequences ; correctionalism was seen as having led to the violation of fundamental human rights and principles of justice in its single-minded quest for efficient crime control .
14 As early as 1886 its legal sub-committee had drawn up a whole series of amendments to the criminal law which it wanted to see on the statute book .
15 ‘ There has been a whole series of events in the last year going against the hill sheep farmer , and this could be one of the final straws . ’
16 Headquarters was fully aware of the need to provide as much protection as possible and Stirling submitted a plan to mount a whole series of raids on airfields on the night of 13 June , mainly making use of the Free French who were longing to get to grips with the enemy .
17 A highly complex drug made up of a whole series of chemicals with different reaction times , designed to fire particular synapses in the brain itself — to create , if you like , a false landscape of experience .
18 The domestic situation in which things take place , they are really very different and you can start to draw up categories , of course , of countries , small big maybe , small medium big democratic non-democratic , er military dictatorships civilian government erm and so on , so there are whole series of categories of governments that you can draw up and you can say well these do make a difference in the way erm foreign policy is created .
19 He wrote a whole series of novels in which the characters personified some of his leading insights .
20 With his vision of what they could achieve , he planned a whole series of assaults on airfields along the coastal strip .
21 Though they admitted a whole series of assaults over the previous three years , they disputed their frequency , he said in his closing speech .
22 First there is a whole series of verses with this as their topic ( e.g. 25:8 , 22 , 29:42ff. ; 40:34–38 ) .
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