Example sentences of "need to be [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , this carries the risk that what is being implemented may need to be later unravelled because of second thoughts and if the original putting together of a change costs effort and resentment , going back on it may create further difficulties of relationships .
2 The use of the captions will need to be reasonably limited and , of course , the language level of their content at an appropriately low level .
3 In any case , Morrison 's narrative of violent neighbourhood rivalries , robberies and attacks on policemen — ‘ for kicking practice ’ as he put it — did not need to be either borrowed or invented in late nineteenth-century London .
4 As with other sexually transmitted infections , it should be remembered that any sexual partners will need to be closely examined and treated if necessary .
5 They do not need to be highly intellectualized and may sometimes even be tentative , blurred and confused .
6 But we ca n't sacrifice these girls on the altar of a sacrosanct secularity which , in my view , needs to be urgently redefined and adapted to a multiracial society . ’
7 This process needs to be regularly discussed and recorded in consultation with resistant pupils so that they feel encouraged and not threatened where appropriate professional
8 It needs to be firmly said that these essentially non-instrumental disciplines do not constitute a dilettante add-on to higher education , unnoticed if lost .
9 This catalogue of adjectives needs to be frequently declaimed and asserted , even in the teeth of what most people will call ‘ the evidence ’ .
10 If this happens , the method needs to be closely examined and modified as necessary .
11 Prospecting in the world 's rainforests for new medicines and crops needs to be carefully regulated if developing countries are to reap full benefits , according to a report from the Washington-based World Resources Institute .
12 The egocentric and performative aspects of mental and speech acts by historical individuals who use such expressions to make statements , ask questions , etc. , naturally enough , often have a direct bearing on the meaning of what is said on a given occasion , and this points to an area of phenomenological problems that needs to be carefully explored if the complexity of the problem of meaning is to be fully understood .
13 A protocol aimed at safeguarding visiting staff needs to be clearly defined and enforced .
14 The ownership of archaeological finds depends on the local laws ( in some countries all archaeological artefacts are automatically the property of the state and have to be reported , while in others the finds belong to the owner of the land on which they were found ) , but whatever the ownership , each find needs to be properly recorded if it is to be of any use archaeologically .
15 To create a safe and reliable vehicle the brakes need uprating to LWB specification with a servo The exhaust system needs fabricating properly and all fuel lines , water pipes and wiring needs to be properly engineered If you are not a competent engineer I would recommend you did not attempt this We have seen many disastrous conversions !
16 Everyone wants to avoid ill-health and the limitations that go with it but , like all good machines , the body needs to be lovingly tuned and oiled .
17 All fluid output needs to be accurately measured and recorded including wound drainage and nasogastric aspirate and vomitus .
18 For demographic or statistical purposes the family needs to be specifically defined and the definitions may vary for different purposes .
19 Therefore , it needs to be rapidly regenerated if exercise is to continue , and this regeneration is brought about by a substance called Creatine Phosphate ( C.P. ) .
20 Unfortunately an island working day needed to be swiftly curtailed once it grew hot .
21 While this development must take the majority of any forthcoming Sports Council funding , it is obvious that many of the existing facilities need to be dramatically expanded and the MCofS will endeavour to ensure this happens sooner rather than later .
22 All new ideas need to be strongly challenged and tested at the planning stage and the marketing agnostic on the staff will often usefully worry out unsuspected flaws .
23 They therefore need to be strongly managed and should not be left to the local office to undertake on their own .
24 These are all important issues which need to be clearly understood and decided upon .
25 Parkers need to be clearly warned that they park their vehicles entirely at their own risk .
26 The resources , powers and energies of older people need to be positively harnessed and policies should be geared to sustaining their independence for as long as possible .
27 The eggs need to be well protected since they are carried on the wind , continually exposed to the sun 's fierce rays , and blown across the sand .
28 All fictions , as Henry James remarked in a preface , even the most realistic , need to be artificially opened and closed — ‘ relations stop nowhere ’ — so that artifice is its essence , first and last .
29 Smoking rates in schoolchildren need to be drastically reduced and the recession has its effects .
30 The strength of a well made glued joint in good condition is not increased by nailing or screwing the joint in addition to the glue , On the other hand , all glues need to be tightly clamped while they set and the simplest way to do this is generally to assemble the wet joint with nails or screws ; having once done this , there is no particular benefit in taking the fastenings out afterwards .
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