Example sentences of "but [conj] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mark : I ca n't say that to the same extent , but where I live at the moment I know a lot of people within five minutes ' walk and there are ten or fifteen gay people I know who live locally ; there are people I can visit without any great effort whatsoever , whom I 'm likely to meet in the shops .
2 It should not be assumed from these statements that they do not move at all-they can be quite active at high tide by night but that they remain within the same general area of shore .
3 What Mr Major should have said , if he was intent on justifying his decision , was that many of the executions were grotesque by any civilised standards , but that they accorded with the code of discipline that was in force at the time .
4 It has been suggested that Greek was not the native language of the author but that he wrote in the universal language of the day which was Greek , while thinking in his own language which was probably Aramaic .
5 It seems clear then that the Formalist position on all these issues ( authors , reality and ideas ) is not just an arbitrary preference , but that it stems from the concepts of defamiliarisation and literariness , whose differential basis will always serve to define literature in opposition to the things that it was traditionally viewed as expressing .
6 Thereby he had represented to the finance company that the van was not his but that it belonged to the trader .
7 God knows what had possessed me to put my proper name on my real driving licence , but once it goes into the DVLC computer , it stays .
8 If it need it to share the cost of the new one but once it goes on the
9 At the moment this innovatory scheme was still at the planning stage , but once it got off the ground I could n't fail to gross a minimum of fifty thou in the first year of operation , after which the sky was the limit .
10 But once you look at the £10 to £15 bracket , high street champagne is definitely a good deal more impressive .
11 But although they lived as the only intellectual representatives of their own language in so small a place as Rapallo , they were not destined to decrease each other 's mental loneliness .
12 But although they live on the edge of Wentworth Golf Course , Lady Haslam prefers gardening when at home .
13 If only Silas had been there she could have consulted him , but although she looked along the corridor and outside there was no sign of him .
14 But although he smiled in the face of the direst provocation , underneath he was as determined as Ricky to go to ten .
15 The surface integral converts by Gauss 's theorem to a volume integral , as before , so that But and we know from the equation of motion ( 2.18 ) that .
16 But if one starts from the spontaneous inclination itself , the question arises whether it makes sense to call it egoistic before it has been chosen in terms of the agent 's own standards for the beneficial .
17 But if we go in the park she can run more , or in the summer we go down by the old railway track do n't we ?
18 But if we asked about the history of the appearance of characters then the answer is ‘ yes ’ .
19 But if we hold to the idea of democracy as popular power , then it is clear that the concentration of so much power in non-accountable hands , outside the control of elected bodies , is incompatible with democracy .
20 To know God and yet nothing of our own wretched state breeds pride ; to realize our misery and know nothing of God is mere despair ; but if we come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ we find our true equilibrium , for there we find both human misery and God .
21 I Obviously I ca n't preempt a discussion , but if we think on the evidence we see in in October that er that that is the course to take , we would do so .
22 But if we think of the conscious subject as located within , or identical to , the brain , then external relations are beyond his gaze .
23 But if we begin with the assumption , say , that there is at least one star in the heavens that never has been , or ever will be , discovered or talked about , then evidently no meaningful let alone true singular proposition can be produced in support of such an assumption , for no such object can be named .
24 But if we look at the chemistry and other science portrayed in comics and illustrated periodicals , we can see an interesting shift in public attitudes over the past few decades .
25 But if we look at the air conditioning explanations we we reckon that the conditions likely to lead to sickness and , and the related illnesses that were mentioned er was , the low humidity that that we thought might er , be in the area erm , because it dries out the and enables viruses to enter the body more more easily .
26 This masterpiece lacks its head ; but if we look from the hawk-priestess to some marble heads of the later sixth century we see the beginning and end of the tradition in which it must have been made .
27 But if we retreat from the notion of perfect reliability and require only that the method be generally reliable , we invite sceptical arguments of our second type .
28 But if we start from the conception of the rational man who disciplines his spontaneity by an awareness independent of viewpoint , then it is for the egoist to explain why he claims priority for responses from his own viewpoint .
29 If you can hear me you must be within five or six miles of them but if they get to the Motorway first they 'll be able to lose you .
30 But if they play with the same commitment and determination , against Villa at Highbury , I 'll be satisfied . ’
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