Example sentences of "that [pers pn] is [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I believe it is possible to propose an explanation for the intuitive feeling one gets that the -ing form would be somewhat inappropriate here : the author is describing a person who is groping for anything which will reassure her before she meets her angry father and the mere fact that she is able to perceive objects which are familiar to her — when she feels so disoriented that she can take nothing for granted — is what gives her the sense that she is neither shirking nor lying .
2 Nell dies in mid-winter , far from home ; but we all know that she is homeward bound and will see another and better spring :
3 She is back in the house that she is always remembering and talking endlessly about , she has her precious Miss Cress .
4 Helping an elderly woman to adjust and to find a new identity is never easy , but it can nearly always be achieved if she is shown that she is still loved and needed , by her family and friends .
5 Each can be associated with a particular file so that it is automatically loaded when the application is activated .
6 Well , it says on the bottom of the , your copy of the charge sheet , production of driving license you must produce it , failure to produce it will mean that it is automatically suspended and it also means you 've committed yet another offence by not having a driving licence here to produce Mr !
7 Failure to produce it will mean that it is automatically suspended and it also means you 've committed yet another offence by not having a driving licence here to produce Mr .
8 However , where more than one person ( eg a merchant bank and a stockbroker ) agrees to act as the agent of a party to the takeover and his associates for the purpose of making disclosure , particular care must be taken to ensure that the responsibility for disclosure is agreed between the parties and that it is neither overlooked nor duplicated .
9 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
10 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
11 The daily schedule is recited almost automatically ; Barbara Lipscombe gives the impression that it is well established and almost never disturbed .
12 We could learn from the American experience of using the National Guard not only to help with civil disasters but also with drug enforcement , which are both areas in which we can not have too much help , provided that it is properly directed and properly trained .
13 This means that it is wholly braided as distinct from the type which has a central core of twist .
14 To assert that conduct is orderly is , from our point of view , to imply that it is directed by a sense of social propriety — that not only is it non-random but that it is both generated and limited by prescriptions and the possibility of sanction , in particular the sanction of expressed disapproval .
15 X-ray appearances and function are now both markedly improved despite the fact that it is generally believed that once joint cartilage ( the substance lining the joint space ) has been destroyed it can never be regenerated .
16 The first point is that it is generally recognized that ritual tends to increase , intensify and shift in focus at times of social crisis .
17 I think that it is generally agreed that a positive way forward is to have a partnership between farming and environmental interests .
18 If we assume that you are writing on the right-hand page of an examination book or on loose examination sheets , bound at the top left-hand corner , then the identifying number of the question should be large so that it is easily seen and should be at the top right-hand corner .
19 Presenting a piece of information as given suggests that it is already established and agreed and is therefore non-negotiable .
20 You can use frozen cod , but make sure that it is thoroughly defrosted and dried well on kitchen paper .
21 An inquiry has indeed been set up by Gwynedd county council , but I understand that it is currently suspended because of police investigations .
22 In many industrialised market economies collective bargaining has become so firmly established that it is sometimes regarded as being virtually synonymous with the prevailing system of industrial relations .
23 A further reason is that it is commonly found that eighteen months into recovery is a particular period of disillusion and difficulty .
24 Navarra is I believe unique in that it provides a politically acceptable centre such that both the Basque Country and Catalonia would not find it embarrassing to attend a summer school there , and in that it is sufficiently endowed while remaining approachable to provide an alternative to Madrid , which would I imagine present far greater bureaucratic difficulty .
25 Like all prisoners of circumstance , you will probably reflect a good deal on the whole subject of ‘ time ’ and of its strange habits of hanging , dragging , or running out too quickly , but if you decide to use and dominate it , instead of allowing it to dominate you , you will inevitably come to the conclusion that it is only wasted if it is thrown away , never when it is offered freely , as a gift of love .
26 While the application of procedural checks to licensing activities has therefore increased it would be mistaken to say that it is now accepted that any licensing function should be subjected to such safeguards .
27 Recognition , which once granted will remain in force for three years , will automatically cease upon liquidation or the making of an administration order under the Insolvency Act 1986 and may be withdrawn by the Council in the event that it is subsequently discovered that it was obtained as a result of any error or fraud .
28 Here the solution is to set a long net around the thicket so that it is totally surrounded and enclosed , in the hope that the rabbits can be bolted out and entangled in the net .
29 The struggle systematically to open up the domestic and intimate relations of the normal kin-based nuclear household is premised on the belief that what is chiefly at fault with the conventional family household is that it is excessively closed and rigid .
30 There is a risk that what is intended to be an aid only during training can become an undesirable crutch in that performance comes to depend on it but this is rare and can be avoided by using a suitable time delay , thus ensuring that it is really learning and not action feedback .
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