Example sentences of "that [pron] [vb mod] never be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , the inspector 's belief that I would never be punished proved only too true when I returned to London and the inquest was held .
2 It 's the same common fear that I will fall apart , physically and emotionally , that I will be reduced to a pile of tattered pulp , that I will never be loved by anyone , that I will fail , like … like — ’
3 Then came the terrible sense of disbelief and at last the dawning realization that she would never be held in his embrace , breathe in the scent of his cigars or hear his kindly voice ever again .
4 She has only one of her sons staying at home in South Ronaldsay and is concerned that she may never be allowed to care for the others .
5 Not that he had minded in the least , for if he had a daughter as rich as Gemma and a fellow like Tristan Gage were to come along he 'd take all the necessary steps himself to see that she could never be cheated .
6 I must inform you that you will never be allowed to enter this house again , and that if you do n't leave within three minutes , you will be thrown out . ’
7 The principle of continuity was a precondition for science ; we must have faith that we shall never be brought to confusion by inexplicable irregularities .
8 ‘ We must reassure our Protestant brothers and sisters that we will never be made to suffer for the British-sponsored murders of Catholics ’ .
9 In 1989 their parents asked for the twins ' photograph to be published in a Sunday newspaper and vowed that they would never be locked away in an institution .
10 The first was that Stirling had promised his men that they would never be subjected to the indecisions of the Commando days when operation after operation was planned and then cancelled at the last minute .
11 The point which Lance Henderson makes and he stressed over and over again that he seeks no personal recognition at all and the point of retelling this story here long , long years after is that they should never be forgotten .
12 They were given on the express condition that they will never be played .
13 Peace will come when the terrorists realise , as they must , that they will never be allowed to prevail .
14 They can , therefore promise the moon to Scotland in the knowledge that they will never be required to deliver it .
15 Sometimes these foals bought at sales and markets are so traumatized by their experience that they can never be handled .
16 And every evening , when Frith has done his day 's work and lies calm and easy in the red sky , El-ahrairah and his children and his children 's children come out of their holes and feed and play in his sight , for they are his friends and he has promised them that they can never be destroyed . "
17 If you look at who are meant to be ‘ Ethnic ’ , white women should realise that they can never be oppressed in the same way as can Black women .
18 The beauty of such methods is that they can never be proved wrong since , by ignoring what the people concerned themselves think , you have removed any empirical basis for testing the interpretations .
19 All this Kathleen Lavender told herself , knowing that it would never be voiced aloud , but even the thoughts were some small comfort .
20 He demonstrated a feeling for drama and a determination to tell the tale so that it would never be forgotten .
21 Concern is growing that the 1985 decree setting aside the Yanomami Park — a large area of Brazilian rainforest inhabited by the Yanomami Indians — faces such massive opposition from Brazil 's powerful politicians , rich landowners and the military that it may never be enacted .
22 But it may cause cancers , but that 's so long in the future that it may never be traced back to Oxford .
23 A typical example — and there are many of these — was when he patiently sat through a high level Air Ministry conference listening to the Mosquito being castigated for its poor night flying qualities ( because of the glare from the exhausts ) , and Boscombe Down recommended that it should never be flown at night , the chairman , as an afterthought , suggested Bennett contribute his views : " I wish someone hid told me about all these faults ' , he replied , " because I have been flying the Masse on OBOE night trials with excellent results " .
24 Few would argue with the proposition that it should never be allowed to return to power .
25 The skill is in some danger of being lost , but I insist that there is so much fun and pleasure in it and the methods are so effective that it should never be allowed to die out .
26 Recent US studies of the IUD warn that it should never be used on women who intend to have children because of the danger of permanent sterility .
27 That was an insult to the people of Liverpool and I hope that it will never be repeated .
28 But if anarchists are right to think that it can never be made , this is for contingent reasons and not because of any inconsistency in the notion of a rational justification for authority , nor in the notion of authority over moral agents .
29 There was , of course , a diversity of tenures — so much so that it can never be assumed that the customs of any two manors were identical , or even similar , unless perhaps they formed part of the same feudal honour , for example the barony of Lewes in Sussex , which had evolved a set of common customs .
30 What makes Austen 's work interesting is that it can never be reduced entirely to simple analytical frameworks .
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