Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv prt] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When she finished her task , she watched him climb out on to the parapet .
2 He swooped down on to the grass and took stance by it .
3 Sometimes the little boy climbed from his cot and played for a while indoors , though more usually he toddled out on to the terrace , in search of her and a drink
4 Then clutching his suitcase , he tottered down on to the platform .
5 Then , lurching to his feet , he moved over on to the only empty seat in the shrine — a patch of floor covered with a sheepskin rug .
6 Then he moved round on to the flower-bed at the side of the path , to muffle his footsteps .
7 He moved out on to the starboard wing and trained his glasses over the starboard quarter .
8 He sank down on to the edge of her bed , and she scurried over towards the wall , taking every inch of her covers with her .
9 ‘ Just like the old days , sir , ’ said Bill , as he staggered out on to the pavement with the long-disused queue signs so long , in fact , that he had had to alter the prices .
10 He came out on to the balcony with the bottle and sat down next to her .
11 He turned off on to the taxiway and followed the green ‘ go ’ lights to a corner away from the main Terminal One .
12 He climbed up on to the platform .
13 He climbed up on to the Reeve 's Way and followed it northwards into Goughdale .
14 Being the dead of night , the man was uncertain of how to leave the railway and at Rothley he walked up on to the platform .
15 He walked out on to the terrasse , and Jean-Paul saw Isobel spot him , turn , smile , move quickly into his embrace .
16 He walked out on to the pipe very slowly and carefully .
17 But when he stepped up on to the conductor 's rostrum for the opening production of a new season , he was — every time — filled with a sense of sheer elation .
18 He stepped back on to the deck .
19 Then , putting one foot firmly in the stirrup , he swung up on to the Arab 's back .
20 He leapt up on to the ledge of rock which ran around the whole island under the overhang like some inside-out cloister , and tied us up .
21 Their shadows stretched far ahead of them in the morning sun , and he leapt down on to the shadow of the leader .
22 He went out on to the landing , opened a window , and called out to the crowd : ‘ What do you want ? who are you ? ’
23 At Firbank , where the chapel proved too small , he went out on to the fell to preach to the people , saying that God 's church was not made of stone but of the air and the countryside around .
24 He went out on to the balcony and the applause was still echoing around the ballroom .
25 What the admiring spectators did n't see was Zarei sitting in the first aid room and insisting those helping him look away as he took off his socks , ‘ because I do n't want to frighten you ’ , and later on slipping a tape of Irish Folk music in to his Walkman as he went back on to the track and muttering quietly to himself , ‘ that will help me stop thinking of the pain ’ .
26 His duty done — that Jarvis would never know one way or the other made no difference in Jasper 's estimation — he went back on to the landing which by now was in darkness .
27 He went down on to the bank and looked at it .
28 Joe now withdrew his hand from the desk and , rising to his feet , he looked down on to the upturned faces of the two men and said , ‘ My mother may remain in the house as long as she wishes , but the running of it , the accounts and such , I wish to leave in your control .
29 The move to Apollo Place brought Minton to an area long associated with artists ; through a circular window half-way up the stairs he looked down on to the next door studio which had once belonged to Turner .
30 But why did he come out on to the moor ?
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