Example sentences of "have [verb] when [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 These are precisely the questions that the peace movement has to address when it contemplates the use of law and many of these aspects are discussed in Part III of the book .
2 A definition , along the right lines but too broad , is that an animal has signalled when it changes the behaviour of another animal .
3 Suddenly she dropped his hand and slid her arms about his waist , knowing she 'd won when she felt the thunder of his heart against her cheek as she burrowed her face against his chest .
4 The leaders of the teams on the controls could see her , so she would n't have to mess around with semaphore and bits of thread like they 'd done when they left the Store .
5 That satisfaction would smartly have evaporated when he reached the clearing and found me gone .
6 The papers to which he had referred , and which he kept in a tin box underneath his bed , contained an unexpected coda to this small adventure — an unfortunate little postscript which reminded me how Captain Scott must have felt when he reached the South Pole only to find that Amundsen had beaten him to it .
7 He knew he should have fired when he had the chance ; by leaving it too late , he 'd lost the advantage .
8 Now I 'd have to say when I saw the report in the Observer , which was a couple of months ago , the rape in the quad report , my feeling was that this was a national newspaper picking on Oxford because Oxford and sex makes great headlines and it was going to be a good sell , and I felt that it was inappropriate in that sexual harassment is a problem in other campuses .
9 The grumbles of J. Alfred Prufrock in early Eliot are endurable if they are meant to be ridiculous , but only then ; and sitting around on Margate sands , or anywhere else , trying to connect nothing with nothing may be all right for Harvard men abroad , but ( as Eliot must already have discovered when he wrote The Waste Land ) it has nothing to do with the daily life of the Londoner .
10 Briefly put , the law is now back to what Parliament had intended when it enacted the Act of 1906 — but stronger and clearer than it was then . ’
11 If they had realised when they answered the advertisement in the Evening Citizen that it was bare metal , they would have gone elsewhere .
12 In September 1991 , Bernhard flew his small aircraft along , and videoed , the exact route and at the same altitude that W1048 had flown when she attacked the Tirpitz in 1942 .
13 Her initial insane reaction to the loss had eased when she confronted the reality of the other woman and the new tears played an essential part in her healing .
14 Phoebe , on the other hand , suddenly could not remember what false name she had given when she made the appointment .
15 Darkness had fallen when we reached the beaches , having travelled over ground in places very familiar .
16 ‘ If Herre Christensen likes what we 've done when he sees the full campaign tomorrow . ’
17 I wonder well they did , they certainly were living in Pegswood , but I 've noticed when they bring the children to school the car frequently comes along the river way .
18 Sara had smiled when she read the letter .
19 For example , in many road accident situations , the witness will only have realised that an accident had occurred when they heard the crash , and looked round and saw the aftermath , although they will try and tell you that they actually saw the vehicles colliding .
20 It gained substance when Representative Susan Molinari , Republican for New York , related what she and her staff had experienced when they occupied the office before Orton .
21 The romantic fantasy world that she had entered when she left the train with Ludo was dissolving in the light of reality .
22 She felt suddenly dirtied by death , ashamed of the knowledge she had gained when she witnessed the cessation of breathing that marked the end of her parents ' lives , sad and sullied by the separations she had lived through .
23 Her waterdetector — now lost — had twanged when they crossed the Spanish Fork city limits .
24 She made one last feeble attempt to avoid the escalation of physical craving between them , knowing she had lost when she heard the unusual huskiness of her own voice , and saw Rune 's eyes darken in immediate response .
25 Morgan 's interest in anthropology had begun when he noticed the systematic pattern created by the totality of the terms used to refer to relatives and kinsmen .
26 Her mother , Pamela Bootyman , said her daughter 's behaviour had changed when she reached the age of 12 or 13 .
27 and I 've never used one of these jet wash things so it 's gone when it end the cycle will go and it will indicate right , so I 'm
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