Example sentences of "and have [adv] [vb pp] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A good example is Dances With Wolves which cost us four thousand as a and has already sold over a hundred and twenty thousand copies .
2 The Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society offers help for families who have lost babies and has just set up a Darlington branch .
3 The Centre maintains a documentary resources centre and has recently set up a national ethnic minority statistical database .
4 The motel-supermarket-hamburger civilization has now been superimposed on what was left of nineteenth-century towns , and has further worn down the differences between one region and the next , but it is doubtful whether the mass mind or the mass man has yet come to pass , except to the extent that people always conform to a prevailing style while it lasts .
5 Since March 1990 Mid Glamorgan 's community drug team has seen a progressive increase in the number of users of anabolic steroids attending general needle exchange clinics and has therefore set up a separate service for these users .
6 Instead , he rationalized his thoughts and justified himself Adam probably — indeed , almost certainly — knew nothing about the find in the pine wood , but Adam had once owned the house and had thus taken on a responsibility .
7 They , Castle Houses , had put up the prize for a steeplechase and had also taken over a prestigious handicap hurdle race already in the programme for Saturday .
8 The tennis equipment specialists , Head , had brought some racquets and accessories along and had also set up a ‘ speed-gun ’ to record service speeds .
9 When Edmund had left her she had wandered as far as the orchard , and had just pushed aside the crooked wicker gate to re-enter the garden when she heard the latch of the heavier postern rattle .
10 They had consolidated their position since the fifteenth century and had latterly built up an impregnable position in the social infrastructure of the region .
11 For Courtney this was a return to Africa , for he had been a big-game hunter and had once canoed down the Nile from Lake Victoria .
12 I crossed the hall and had actually picked up the offending item before realizing its full implication ; my father , I recalled , had been brushing the entrance hall a half-hour or so earlier .
13 fax numbers and things put on but that alright let's give she came back to me the other day and said I can not get this fax through and had actually typed down the wrong fax number
14 He looked fantastic and had actually acquired quite a suntan — or was it just a glow of happiness ?
15 Alston knew his way around and had therefore taken over the navigation .
16 I 've placed the background as an event , and have also loaded up the big trees as an actor .
17 Djaimin and Mike tour here this month and have already lined up the follow-up , ‘ She 's Ga Ga ’ , for Strictly Rhythm .
18 However , a number of other authors ( for example , Alberro , 1981 ; Kormendi and Meguire , 1984 ) have employed something like the Lucas approach using data from more countries , and have generally found much the same result as that reported in Lucas .
19 All highly commendable , but what about the thousands of humble seamen , greasers , stewards and stokers who bore the brunt of that battle to save civilisation , and have since received virtually no recognition ?
20 The chief executives of the three firms have been discussing the plan for five months and have now handed over the task of implementing the grand design to their operating systems managers .
21 The chief executives of the three firms have been discussing the plan for five months and have now handed over the task of implementing the grand design to their operating systems managers .
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