Example sentences of "of the house of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The president of the House of Deputies of the Congress , Carlos Dupre , on Nov. 28 ordered an official investigation to verify the authenticity of a letter attributed to " various military chiefs " which called on former President Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , the C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces , to resign .
2 A proposal for constitutional reform to allow a national plebiscite on the reintroduction of the death penalty in Brazil , for kidnappings , burglaries and rapes resulting in the victim 's death , was approved by a Congressional Commission of the House of Deputies in December 1990 .
3 ‘ We listened to more than five thousand tapes from all over the world , ’ gravely announced Armand Schaudroeck , president of The House Of Guitars in Rochester , New York , ‘ and Harry is simply the worst player we 've ever heard .
4 US Secretary of State James Baker , addressing the foreign affairs committee of the House of Representatives on June 13 , said that the stance of the new government could be summed up as " there will be no dialogue unless the Palestinians accept our position in advance " .
5 In an address to the foreign affairs committee of the House of Representatives on Sept. 4 , Baker reiterated the aims which Bush had outlined in August [ see p. 37638 ] .
6 Democrat members of the House of Representatives on July 11 elected David E. Bonior as Majority Whip , the party 's third-ranking leadership position within the lower chamber of the US legislature .
7 Approval of the loan was aided by the decision of the House of Representatives on Dec. 19 to pass legislation raising 1992 federal taxes to bring in US$12,000 million in extra revenue .
8 The announcement was followed by the dissolution of the House of Representatives on Feb. 17 .
9 The first session of the House of Representatives on April 15 was cut short after Suchinda was subjected to a barrage of opposition criticism .
10 The bill , which was likely to be considered by the full Senate after the summer recess , was similar to that which had been approved by the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives on June 30 .
11 King Bhumibol Adulyadej opened the new session of the House of Representatives on Sept. 21 .
12 Robert Garcia , a Democratic member of the House of Representatives for New York , resigned his seat on Jan. 7 shortly before being sentenced for his role in the Wedtech corruption case .
13 Edward R. Madigan , a member of the House of Representatives for 18 years , was nominated to replace Yeutter as Agriculture Secretary .
14 Barr stated , however , that the July 9 request by the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives for an independent prosecutor to examine the Iraqgate affair [ see p. 38998 ] contained " vague and general allegations " which did not meet these conditions .
15 On Nov. 4 voters also chose 14 senators from among 46 candidates and 16 members of the House of Representatives from among 37 candidates .
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