Example sentences of "of the small [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Analysis of results according to location of the ulcer showed a tendency in favour of the heater probe in both gastric and duodenal sites , but statistical significance was not reached because of the small size of subgroups .
2 He also became one of the small group of scholars who translated from the classics for Penguin Books , for which he contributed versions of Plutarch , Polybius and Dio Cassius .
3 It seemed like a minor miracle when she found herself seated within touching distance of the small group of musicians , until she realised that Rune was well-known here , not only by the management but , as the current number drew to a triumphant close , to the players as well , as they drew him on to the low rostrum and surrounded him with much back-slapping and laughter .
4 History used to be written only about the activities of the small group of men and women who held positions of power .
5 Two of the small number of Liberals representing Quebec in the federal parliament resigned from the party in response to Chrétien 's election .
6 ( 7 ) that the proposals should satisfy some notion of " value for money considering , for example , the number of children likely to benefit ( thus , proposals concentrating on " A " level curricula were not favoured because of the small number of students involved ) .
7 There is a large and growing feminist literature in sociology which is much appreciated by women students , including influential and innovative collections stemming from the British Sociological Association 's conferences and study groups on Sexual Divisions ( see , for example , Barker and Allen , 1976a and 1976b ) ; there is the BSA women 's caucus which operates as a forum for women and as a pressure group within the profession ; there is also the work of the BSA Standing Committee on the Equality of the Sexes ; and many of the small number of women in positions of relative power in the profession have been willing to use their influence on behalf of other women .
8 Because of the small number of women completing 24 cycles or more the suggestion in our data that both groups will eventually have the same pregnancy rate , must be interpreted with caution .
9 Like all university subjects , it offers a training for the mind , but it is also one of the small number of disciplines which attempt to understand the creative impulse .
10 Journal-to-journal co-citation analysis would not have added much to the journal list analysis described in Chapter 3 , because of the small number of journals involved , and the ease of identifying core journals by simple counts .
11 A majority of the small number of officers , those whose rank was superintendent , assistant superintendent or inspector , were British or Burgher .
12 Further assessment of this problem was not possible because of the small number of cases but knowledge of histological type could further assist in determining the sensitivity of this method .
13 The succeeding chapters consider the extent to which the legal rules conduce to this desirable result and provide adequate redress in the case of the small number of companies less scrupulously and competently operated .
14 This comment in a recent ILO/UNCTC study of EPZs in the Caribbean is very typical : ‘ In spite of the small number of jobs generated so far , the rate at which EPZs create employment is , however , so high that they rank as the most dynamic agents for job creation compared with other sources of national employment ’ ( Long , 1986 , p.60 ) .
15 This report was criticised because of the small number of patients studied and because patients had not been stabilised on each insulin before acute hypoglycaemia was induced .
16 This could be because of the small number of patients studied , but it is in agreement with the results of Hopman et al , who measured postprandial gall bladder contraction in patients on long term ( six months ) intermittent injection treatment .
17 Officials should be clearly headed by a chief executive , the chief officer to the management board and head of the small team of officers who should work closely together .
18 Hosts : Ruminants Site : Small intestine Species : Bunostomum trigonocephalum sheep and goats B. phlebotomum cattle Distribution : Worldwide Gross : Bunostomum is one of the larger nematodes of the small intestine of ruminants , being 1.0-3.0 cm long and characteristically hooked at the anterior end .
19 Turnover rose from £424.2 million to £521.8 million , while earnings per share fell only 2 per cent , from 40p to 39.2p , because of the smaller number of shares in issue .
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