Example sentences of "of [pron] have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This failed to meet the demand for the forcible removal of the barricades , as advanced by the 7,000 white residents of the Chateauguay suburb adjacent to the Mercier bridge ( some of whom had regularly assembled during the siege to burn Mohawk effigies , and had participated in attacks on Indians fleeing the adjoining Kahnawake reservation ) .
2 They were run by the women of a bombed city , most of whom had already lived through one war .
3 Charges against the officials , who , if found guilty , faced prison terms of up to five years , were brought on behalf of 27 affected haemophiliacs , some of whom had already died from AIDS .
4 On the other hand , Joyce arrived to find a large crowd outside the pavilion , some of whom had probably travelled to Worthing to make their feelings known .
5 However , in the fifteen to twenty-four age group , many of whom had probably benefited from education since 1975 , the figures were 7.7 and 24.7 per cent respectively .
6 What is more , times were on the hard side and access to the capital were perhaps critical for bondholders many of whom had now retired from playing .
7 From the point of view of the lord of the manor there were five freeholders , all of whom had earlier featured in the musters , two as inhabitants of the village .
8 Between a dozen and 40 children some of whom have already breakfasted at home join teachers for a hot bowl of porridge to start the day .
9 Meanwhile in Britain , many Iraqi people — most of whom have long fought against Saddam Hussein 's government — are being deported on the basis of being a ‘ threat to national security ’ .
10 ‘ About two-thirds of them had already broken into the European market , particularly France , but were seeking new outlets : the rest were starting from scratch . ’
11 Although most existing powers and responsibilities over the delivery of health services and the production of utilities , such as electricity and gas , were effectively removed by post-war nationalization , within the welfare state the role of councils was substantially increased , building on responsibilities some of them had already claimed in the inter-war period .
12 He and Fonda retired to their trailer , smoked some marijuana and then came out and told the crowd of local youths that they should imagine that the two of them had just arrived in town , and , on the way , they had picked up a local girl of fifteen , and raped and left her in the bushes .
13 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
14 Some of them had previously experimented with fixed-term contracts but had found they imposed too much rigidity .
15 On the contrary , all kinds of groups and associations representing ideas of this kind had come into existence in the USSR : some of them had openly called for ‘ power-sharing ’ on the basis of a ‘ parliamentary regime ’ , for ‘ free trade unions ’ , ‘ autonomous publishing houses ’ and so forth .
16 Years later one of Cahiers ' most influential critics , Jean-Luc Godard , admitted that none of them had really believed in the theory , but had used it to draw attention to themselves .
17 She could hear the rising engine-note of the Corporation buses as they pulled away from the stop at the corner , coming from nowhere either of them had ever heard of , going on through the gathering winter dusk to destinations equally obscure .
18 Some of her friends had fairly eccentric ideas of bed-sitter decoration , and had done far better than the Chianti-bottle , British Railway-poster effort , but none of them had ever conceived of anything like this : and the nicest room she had ever seen had been the drawing room of a friend 's mother in Sevenoaks , which had been distinguished by a bare and gentle colour scheme , and some pretty Georgian furniture .
19 He hardly knew Tina 's brothers but neither of them had ever objected to him before .
20 ‘ But people I speak to over there have very little to say about Neil Kinnock and none of them have even heard of Paddy Ashdown . ’
21 Most of which I know some of them have already come to an end like Julie 's E S
22 This is to be a longer and harder fight than any of them have ever witnessed at Sinatra 's or the Rainbow or any one of dozens of warehouses and car parks .
23 So a lot of them have never played at Twickenham and that 's a big incentive for them together .
24 Many of them have never acted before and came thick and fast to auditions with high hopes for a moment 's glory on ’ Inspector Morse . ’
25 round to architects just sort of provoking the question cos they , a lot of them have never thought about it
26 demanding to know the date of the party — which was unanswerable , since no one knew when Karl would be back from Dresden — and either confirming that , anyway , if it was to be on a week-end they would be resent — or not Frau Nordern was annoyed b the refusals but Herr Nordern had a drier view ‘ Most of them have hardly heard of Karl , ’ he said ‘ and anyway it is n't everyone who wants to be seen meeting … .
27 At a meeting on Jan. 6 the two leaders agreed to cancel the annual " Team Spirit " joint military exercises , the holding of which had frequently resulted in the suspension of dialogue by North Korea .
28 Inspired by Hensel 's construction , E Steinitz , in a 140 page paper in 1910 , undertook a classification of all fields , several apparently unrelated sorts of which had now come into existence .
29 The new government pledged itself to deal with a range of serious environmental problems affecting the country , the extent of many of which had only come to light after the collapse of communist rule .
30 President Bush on May 9 vetoed legislation designed to overhaul the much-criticized system for financing congressional election campaigns , the cost of which had sharply escalated in recent years .
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