Example sentences of "and [conj] it be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It shows that the people of the town believe it is time for change and that it 's time for Labour . ’
2 It shows that the people of the town believe it is time for change and that it 's time for Labour . ’
3 The Minister is aware that the peak age of offenders is 15 and that it is boys of that age who commit the vast majority of street crimes and crimes involving intimidation or offensive weapons . ’
4 These two changes — instrumentation and electronic treatment — suggest two points immediately : that this is music created in a recording studio using quite complex equipment and recording techniques ( the Beatles had in fact just given up live performance ) ; and that it is music for listening rather than dancing .
5 I knew that it made , besides such things as textiles , the remarkable Oerlikon guns and that it was part of the Oerlikon-Buhrle Group , employing some 40 000 people , mostly in Europe , but also in the US and Japan .
6 She excused his erratic behaviour because she assumed it was linked to business pressures and that it was part of the aggressive masculinity which she prized .
7 The union alleged that this was the " latest in a series of attacks launched by SATS and the South African police in an attempt to break the 10-week-old strike " and that it was part of a " carefully orchestrated campaign against striking workers " .
8 The Samoan people explain the mythos of Creation as follows : as Na Atibu , the father of the gods , lay dying , he decided the world was ready for mankind and that it was time for mortals to settle the earth .
9 Henry II , moreover , had performed homage while King and although it was homage for his continental possessions and not for his kingdom , this was a step to which none of his predecessors as Kings of England had ever steeled themselves .
10 And if it is part of the head 's job to assist in that process , it should be part of the teacher 's professional equipment to respond to stimuli and opportunities to do more ( J. M. Worrall , conversation , 1990 ) .
11 I will reply a little more freely , because you are who you are ; and because it is Gustave of whom I speak .
12 He went on to say that another enduring reality lies in America 's interests across the Atlantic — expanding the definition of across-the-Atlantic to include the Middle East , both because of its considerable economic resources and because it was home to some of ‘ our closest friends ’ .
13 Their current fund , which is open to new investors , is the Performance Fund and since it 's launch in January 1987 , it has produced an average annual growth rate of over 19% .
14 And before it was sort of like the tech it was mainly erm sort of post graduate retr er sort of training centre for sort of science erm science graduates
15 If the hon. Gentleman sends the evidence , we will examine it to see what happened in that case , and whether it is evidence of a larger problem .
16 The computer regularly calls the telemetering station and when it is time for the customer to replenish his stocks , the ICI Customer Service representative simply calls to confirm the next order .
17 And when it 's things like division by zero , that 's the time to , to s back off and say , well , we 've got a model that works , that side of zero and that side of zero .
18 eyes on before and when it was time for me to go to bed I would be encouraged not made
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