Example sentences of "be [adv] [vb pp] to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am obviously considered to be in need of some help .
2 Wages for unskilled labour were the lowest , being significantly below even shop workers who are generally recognised to be among the most intensely exploited ( except that their hours were much longer ) .
3 One consequence is that the thought patterns of primitive society , being felt to lack a scientific approach , are generally felt to be beyond the bounds of reason .
4 ‘ those who are generally felt to be of high status locate science less in the journals than in their own and other peoples ’ heads ’ .
5 Brüggen directs hard-driven , almost consciously abrasive performances of these two symphonies that are generally thought to be among Beethoven 's more genial offerings .
6 As a rough guide two strands wound together make something approximately like three-ply in thickness and three together are usually reckoned to be about a four-ply. these fine industrial yarns used to be in the ‘ odds and ends ’ bins , but the manufacturers have caught on to the fact that they are popular with machine knitters , so now they can be bought under a brand name .
7 At least twelve prisoners are still thought to be inside the jail and refusing to give themselves up .
8 A major chain of retailers has agreed to withdraw them from sale , but hundreds are still thought to be in use .
9 His optics are internationally recognised to be of the highest quality .
10 When a girl gets married her parents are traditionally considered to be in a humiliating position vis á vis her parents-in-law .
11 It has taken several years of animated discussions among the members and their respective lawyers to arrive at these terms and conditions , which are also intended to be in line with the code of conduct adopted last year by the European federation of art dealers , FIDOAO ( Federation Internationale des Diffuseurs d'Oeuvres d'Art Originales ) .
12 Japanese customs officials have intercepted consignments of ivory bearing fake Malaysian permits , and fake permits from Cameroon are also reported to be in circulation .
13 Benefits are also thought to be in the firing line .
14 No-one should argue with the concept of greater efficiency in the BBC , but the reforms are also meant to be about decentralising power to where the creativity resides .
15 In fact , these chapters are now reckoned to be among the foremost theological statements the Bible contains .
16 What were once thought of as " mere " political " forms " are now recognized to be of far greater potential and actual importance than an exclusive concentration on economic and social power might suggest .
17 Stocks are now believed to be below the level which would allow the predicted maximum yield of 175,000 tonnes per year .
18 Only 5 per cent are now believed to be in good condition .
19 Many of these buildings are now considered to be of special interest by current standards — particularly where they possess ‘ group value ’ — and are being added to the statutory lists as these are revised .
20 Organised crime rings are now thought to be behind the increasingly professional packaging and production of the fakes … now a multi million pound market .
21 As we will discuss later , pathogens in general — including viruses — are now known to be of enormous ecological importance ( see p 132 ) .
22 ISRAEL : Six Lebanese Shi ‘ a Muslims who ‘ disappeared ’ in Lebanon in 1990 are now known to be in Israeli custody .
23 I agree with the Lord of Aberdale that it is vital for the elected representatives on the police authority to be clearly seen to be in the driving seat of the committee .
24 Base rate can be often seen to be outside this guideline , due mainly to expectations in future movements in interest rates ( see later in chapter ) .
25 Thus , reading right-wing papers had most effect upon increasing Thatcher 's ratings on the ‘ soft ’ virtues and depressing Kinnock 's ratings on the ‘ hard ’ virtues — that is , on those aspects of each politician 's image where they were generally considered to be at their weakest .
26 Reading right-wing papers had most effect upon improving Thatcher 's image on the ‘ soft ’ virtues and damaging Kinnock 's image on the ‘ hard ’ virtues — that is , on those aspects of each politician 's image where they were generally considered to be at their weakest .
27 However , as of late March both bases were still believed to be under rebel control .
28 Our landlady , a Mrs Brown , seemed pleasant and reasonable , and we were still contented to be in Bedford , although we had discovered that there was one disadvantage — the Americans .
29 At least two of the journalists seized at the Marriott hotel on Wednesday were still feared to be in pro-Noriega hands yesterday .
30 Abdelbaset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi , 39 , and Al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , 35 , who were both presumed to be in Libya , were reportedly members of the Libyan intelligence services and former employees of Libyan Arab Airlines .
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