Example sentences of "very fact [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What makes Britain together with Israel and New Zealand , constitutional democracies , despite the absence of codified constitutions , is this very fact that their governments in general feel under pressure to conform to such norms ; when accused of unconstitutional action their defence is not that the term ‘ unconstitutional ’ is without meaning , but that their actions can , despite appearances , be defended in constitutional terms .
2 Second home owners have roused the ire of local inhabitants more than either commuters or retired newcomers , partly by the very fact that their houses are second homes and therefore considered to be needed less than the houses of other ex-urbanites .
3 The very fact that we are considering aspects of animal welfare suggests that we are now heading in the right direction .
4 This part of the camp was in itself no more attractive than the part in which we lived , but the very fact that we did not live there , that we did not know every inch of its dusty ground , that normally we only saw it from the distance , gave it a charm of its own .
5 In other words , the very fact that we do not consider we are worth loving causes us to put up barriers that ensure people will not have the opportunity to love us .
6 By this he means that by our very existence , by the very fact that we live on earth , we are involved in the destruction of life .
7 ability to develop a fuller understanding of rape at that time ( 1978 ) was the very fact that we are lesbians .
8 By the very fact that we work for Wimpey we give an image of the Company to everyone who knows that .
9 The very fact that we have these details is significant .
10 Er the very fact that we 're at our desks er for more than seventy percent of our time filling these forms in er prevents us from moving on to the next prisoner and going out and arresting more people for crime .
11 Of course there are individual doctors who are well aware of the mess their profession has got itself into ; but the very fact that they are in a profession , and one which has succeeded in armouring itself against state intervention , makes it hard for them to get their ideas accepted .
12 The question did not appear to surprise her but it did surprise him , as did the very fact that they were walking so companionably together .
13 But I do know they would weigh up the dangers and think about the very fact that they could fly .
14 Further , the very fact that they use more ‘ appropriate ’ technology means that they compete intensively with local firms and thus exacerbate rivalries among local ethnic groups .
15 And she was unsure whether she wanted to become involved with them again ; the jewels were not actually worth that much , and the very fact that they were of Irish origin was enough to turn her away from them .
16 A slightly more critical eye might have felt that the very fact that they were publicly proclaiming the existence of such a rumour could not advantage Profumo in any way and might easily damage him .
17 The very fact that they were conceived in black & white , helped to produce that visual strength .
18 The very fact that they are so unknown and cost so high in human lives seems to me to be a point against the arguments of Enzensberger and Halliday .
19 However , the very fact that they are mass-produced and relatively cheap means that they are too frequently seen .
20 Some of the rebel leaders , notably Litster , may have appreciated their military weakness , because they attempted to involve members of the gentry in the revolt , and although they had little support of this nature , the very fact that they hoped to obtain it must argue against an interpretation of the revolt simply in class terms .
21 It 's been amazing for the very fact that everything is so different , every job is different .
22 [ The Prime Minister ] is a dynamic force , and it is from that very fact that our troubles , in our opinion , arise .
23 Inevitably , the very fact that someone has decided to try to record the child 's language makes this ideal unattainable .
24 Furthermore , although it may sincerely believe it is a new party , the very fact that it has often changed its mind should debar it from being taken seriously .
25 To him the divine character of Christianity was vindicated not by its reasonableness but by the very fact that it was the kind of thing no ordinary mind could have invented .
26 But the great thing about The Virtuoso ( 1676 ) , which the RSC has brought to light almost 300 years after its last professional performance , is the very fact that it does n't deviate into sense .
27 Part of the confidence surrounding the 19 DX comes from the very fact that it is turbocharged .
28 Research indicates that behaviour may be altered by the very fact that it is being monitored .
29 The very fact that it is difficult to find reasons either for including it or for excluding it tells us something about the peculiarly arbitrary process involved in categorizing policies as ‘ social ’ .
30 The very fact that it 's SOE and their Brigadier Munro who are handling the matter , is further proof . ’
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