Example sentences of "suggests [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It views the subject as a holistic entity , suggests that it encompasses consciousness as well as behaviour , and is interested in the interpersonal as well as the individual aspects of this consciousness .
2 The wide acceptance of this style guide , and similar ones in other disciplines , suggests that it fills a need .
3 But the growing interest in it suggests that it offers both a possible way out of present impasses and a way forward .
4 As Kahl has said , education ‘ reinforces the existing status system and provides for movement within it ’ ( Kahl 1970 : 137 ) , but this suggests that it does not change the system .
5 Here , contamination with metals , says Battarbee , occurs ‘ about ten years before the first evidence of acidification ’ , which suggests that it took only ten years to exhaust the lake 's capacity to buffer pollution .
6 The to infinitive after and then , on the other hand , creates the impression of a delayed reaction ; it suggests that it took a moment 's reflection for the person to realize the import of what he had seen , this realization being what triggered his sudden cry .
7 Most of the other metopes are fragmentary , and it is hard to say if they carry out this distinction , though the little that remains of the lion suggests that it went well with the other western ones .
8 He published an autobiography in 1975 : he chose to portray himself as a rapscallion ( internal evidence suggests that it had been written in jail ) .
9 Hatcher , the most recent writer to survey the problem , suggests that it had come nowhere near it ( 75 , p.69 ) .
10 In 1428 , however , it and some neighbouring villages were excused from paying the subsidy because it had less than ten households , and the excavation of one of the houses suggests that it had been deserted as early as the second half of the fourteenth century .
11 The evidence strongly suggests that it had become increasingly so since the seventeenth century .
12 The construction of this giant-eyed trilobite suggests that it lived an actively swimming life well above the bottom , and possibly in the surface waters of the sea .
13 It was always debatable whether Turkey should have been included as a European country ; its GNP suggests that it fits more comfortably with other Asian countries .
14 Some firms ' behaviour suggests that it did , but not simply by making them invest more in Japanese factories .
15 Unhappily , this week 's bloody fiasco in Namibia suggests that it did n't know these things .
16 The controversy surrounding the overall record of the Thatcher administration suggests that it has had a major impact .
17 But all the evidence suggests that it has one staring error — the researchers ' names .
18 The government-run NORP is still in operation today , however the observation that this programme is not mentioned in much of the post-1985 literature on oral rehydration therapy in Bangladesh , suggests that it has been of limited value to the people of Bangladesh .
19 They are therefore subdued , and scarcely noticeable to a casual reader : the " animated glitter " ( 2 ) , the " impassive earth " ( 5 ) , the " devious curves " ( 6 ) ( the fact that the earth is impassive , or devoid of feeling , suggests that it has capabilities in that direction ) .
20 A fish in distress swims erratically near the surface and readily suggests that it has something wrong with it .
21 This in itself suggests that it has been overtaken by other schedules currently being piloted , which directly involve service users .
22 MacCormick suggests that it matters little , when faced with ‘ possible unjust exercises of the power of modern states organised under and in the name of ‘ law ’ … whether or not these represent a corruption of law in its ideal essence or simply an abuse of public power . ’
23 Stop that sniggering down there in the typing pool — what do you suppose the spellchecker in Microsoft Corp 's Word word processor suggests when it comes to Pentium and does n't recognise it ?
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