Example sentences of "tears [prep] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is tears for his love ; joy for his future ; honour for his valour ; and death for his ambition .
2 This is especially true if the pilot turns out to be a young lady and the shock of what-might-have-been gives rise to tears during her interview with the investigator .
3 Hesitantly , Victoria stood up , wiping the tears off her cheeks with the back of her hands .
4 The doorbell rang , and scrubbing the tears off her cheeks with the back of her hand , she marched to the door and yanked it open .
5 Inside the coach I cried the bitterest tears of my life .
6 She smiled tightly , feeling the hot sting of tears behind her lids .
7 She squeezed her eyes shut tightly , feeling the sting of tears behind her eyelids .
8 A lump rose in her throat and she felt the sharp sting of tears behind her eyelids .
9 Juliet felt the prick of tears behind her eyelids .
10 She had to pause before she could speak because there were tears behind her eyes , her voice would be clogged with them .
11 To her horror Rory felt the sting of tears behind her eyes and looked away helplessly .
12 Unable to give her anything but the bitter regret which struck out at him afresh , raising a sting of tears behind his eyes , an abominable tightness in his chest .
13 For a boss , in fact , he was a very human man , who had hardly tried to hide the tears behind his eyes as he had stepped into the Mercedes earlier .
14 He could scarcely see for the blur of tears behind his spectacles , but he bent to investigate a glint of metal among the dust .
15 D'Arcy 's grip tightened round her shoulders as he felt her hot tears against his skin .
16 They were elicited by my questions about his earlier career , and most of them seemed new to Laura for she laughed with unfeignable gaiety , her head at moments in helpless tears against his chest .
17 Sniffing and wiping away her tears with her fists like a child , she climbed out and hastily dragged on her dressing-gown .
18 ‘ I 'm bored to tears with your feeling guilty .
19 Acting with the flair of a seasoned thespian , he forced tears into his eyes as he spoke again , in a quavering voice .
20 Me mother gets up at five o'clock with tears upon her cheeks ,
21 She was dimly aware of someone — or something ? — brushing the wet tears from her face , of hard yet comforting arms enfolding her trembling body as a low deep voice murmured soothing words of comfort .
22 She licked the salty tears from her lips and , taking a tissue from the box by the bed , blew her nose loudly .
23 Laura wiped tears from her eyes .
24 The woman stopped speaking , blinked back the tears from her eyes and swallowed before continuing .
25 It was then that the lump in her throat would break and spill the tears from her eyes and cause her to make choking sounds which she did not try to prevent , knowing they would not penetrate Mrs Aggie 's deep snoring .
26 ‘ Why do you hate me ? ’ she asked them , still managing to keep the tears from her eyes .
27 Cynthia wiped the tears from her eyes .
28 In the end , wiping the tears from her eyes , she giggled weakly ; " I went back to bed .
29 She brushed the tears from her eyes and took stock of her position .
30 Zimberalda … you 've come back to me at last ! ’ she snorts , wiping the tears from her eyes .
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