Example sentences of "generally [verb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In opinion polls , Americans generally insist that they would not be persuaded by legalisation to try drugs they are not taking now .
2 It is not generally recommended that anything else is kept with a Red-tail , as they can be very territorial and aggressive .
3 Finally they do not generally consider that its use constitutes any threat to them .
4 It is generally supposed that it was at Thurgarton .
5 And even though it was generally accepted that they , along with the better known chimps of East Africa , were our closest relatives , few would have guessed that their relationships would be , well , so very human .
6 Give or take one or two opinions to the contrary , it seems to be generally accepted that their job is by no means sinecure .
7 This system of local government had much fine work to its credit but it was generally accepted that its structure had not changed enough to keep pace with the changing social pattern of travel to work , shopping and holiday areas .
8 The Act does not define what actually constitutes an artistic work , though it is generally accepted that it would cover any product made by an artist or craftsperson , which is normally unique , hand-made and makes a personal expressive statement .
9 It was later generally accepted that he was suffering from multiple neurofibromatosis ( von Recklinghausen 's disease ) , a very rare and incurable disease characterized by the tendency to form neurofibromas ( tumours of the nerve and fibrous tissue ) .
10 Using this method conflicting findings have been reported in studies of diabetic subjects ( Dollery et al , 1979 ; Davis et al , 1981 ) , and it is now generally accepted that there may be considerable non-specific interference in assaying this metabolite in plasma which might explain the different findings ( Greaves & Preston , 1982 ; Dollery et al , 1983 ) .
11 It is now generally accepted that there is a division of labour within the brain , with different parts of the brain carrying out different functions .
12 However , it is generally accepted that none of the items which supplement the basic 17 questions provide additional information of value .
13 It can be generally said that their form remains essentially unaltered throughout their entire lifetime .
14 The numbers were reduced to nine the following year , as it was generally felt that it would be better to hold them every other year and quite a few indicated they would be prepared to take part on a biennial basis .
15 These experiments generally show that there is discrimination against black people in the sense that the black actor is not given the job , or is told that it is filled , while the similarly qualified white actor is given the job .
16 They were somewhat more negative in respect of its efficiency , generally believing that its use leads to rationalization rather than criticism and that its use is too time-consuming .
17 It is generally thought that they were a new people only in name , and that they were made up of tribes such as the Amsivarii , Chattuarii and Chatti , who are mentioned in earlier sources , but rarely , if at all , in later ones .
18 It is generally thought that it is helpful for managers and clinicians to be aware of the variations between maternity units and knowing where their own unit stands .
19 There is still uncertainty about the origins of the Lombards — frequently called the Longobards — but it is now generally agreed that they were central European , and probably arrived over the Alps from Hungary .
20 However , it is generally agreed that we should cut down on fat and ear more foods containing complex carbohydrates ( starch and fibre-rich foods ) and include lots of fresh vegetables , fruit and a sensible amount of protein .
21 In earlier decades it had been generally agreed that there would be benefits from standardisation , but with the benefits accruing variously to consumers , undertakings generally and appliance manufacturers , while the costs fell on the non-standard undertakings alone , there had been a failure to agree on finance for a common scheme .
22 It was generally agreed that there was nothing wrong with the proportions , but this could indicate the work of a skilful forger .
23 It was generally agreed that there was a rundown in the entire welfare state , mainly because it was a service and not a profit-making enterprise .
24 However , it is now generally agreed that there is a large range of uncertainty in the numerical results quantifying the risks of an accident , as recent reactor accidents have highlighted .
25 It was generally agreed that there was a difference between human science and the knowledge of God , in that while human knowledge was concerned with that which reason could analyse , theology was concerned with the way in which the transcendent love of God is known .
26 It is generally agreed that he has mishandled the students , who have been threatened , bullied , fired on with tear-gas grenades ; and now the university is closed which means that these cynical and angry students are all over the country spreading disillusion .
27 It was generally agreed that it should be raised as far as possible from the social groups of least value .
28 It 's generally agreed that I need looking after .
29 Erm people do n't generally mind that we ca n't have people making things up , guessing because then we 'd the reputation of the Trust .
30 It was generally understood that there was very little chance of the deal being referred to the MMC .
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