Example sentences of "required for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Service of an interlocutory process out of England and Wales is permissible with the leave of the court on a person who is already a party to the proceedings and who in the case of a defendant , respondent or third party , has been served with the originating process but leave shall not be required for such service in any proceedings in which the originating process may by these rules or under any Act be served out of England and Wales without leave , ( Ord 8 , rr 1 and 4 ) .
2 We could not identify all such workers as complete records have not survived and instead used the closest approximations possible — namely , records incorporating home address of all those ( more than 17000 ) attending the medical centre at the Sullom Voe oil terminal in Shetland during its construction phase ( believed to represent a high proportion of all but short stay workers ) ; 3500 construction workers at the Flotta oil terminal in Orkney ( incomplete data ) ; and more than 10000 offshore workers , being all those who obtained an offshore survival certificate ( required for such work ) in Scotland in the period from June 1976 ( the earliest date for which records have not been destroyed ) to 1980 .
3 However , the content required for such targets is inadequate for a true presentation of the Catholic faith tradition — it does not embody that content which adherents know as the essential elements of their faith .
4 The administrative arrangement and supervision required for such teamwork was exactly the sort of skill in which Lewis excelled , and the hours passed quickly with the progressive gleaning of intelligence , the gradual build up of hard fact to bolster tentative theory — and always that almost insolent gratification that shone in Morse 's eyes , for the latter appeared to have known ( or so it seemed to Lewis ) most of the details before the calls and corroboration had been made .
5 In an age where the ability of the land to produce more food than is required for many parts of the world is a fact of life , the argument for organic farming methods has never been stronger .
6 The computation required for each sentence is extremely simple and does not require the complicated intermediate storage of possible parses to be kept in memory .
7 With the ACE ODT developers ' kit for DEC 's R3000-based machines under its belt ( UX No 366 ) , SCO has to decide whether to continue work on HAL , ACE 's hardware abstraction layer , a version of which is required for each port of ODT to an ACE member 's MIPS platform .
8 Although different installers are required for each platform , there is considerable commonality of code between the installers , observes Praxis .
9 Although the stripes change in depth , you are still using the colours in equal amounts , therefore approximately half of the total amount is required for each colour , plus extra for borders .
10 The small snag is that it costs considerably more than the purchase price to buy a licence to use them and a licence is required for each computer .
11 Key to the improvements has been the reduction of bureaucracy and paperwork previously required for each truck load .
12 The minimum social information required for each speaker was ( approximate ) age , sex , housing type and ( where possible ) occupation .
13 The judge must decide whether , taking into account the issues involved and the nature of the evidence required for each issue , the disputes between the litigants can best be resolved by a single trial or by a trial in two parts .
14 In order to cut costs in the design process , we looked at reducing the amount of design time required for each issue .
15 A set of breathing apparatus would be required for each man and extra sets were borrowed from fire stations over a wide area .
16 Admission was to be free but tickets were required for each day and demand was enormous from all over Britain and Ireland , from other European countries , and even from North America .
17 He accepted that it might well be difficult for practitioners to give instant answers to queries on old files , but pointed out that allowing a seven day delay for answers to be prepared would increase the number of days required for each visit ; this would both increase disruption to practitioners and put up costs , possibly even doubling them .
18 The profile would usually be the number of qualified and unqualified staff required for each span of duty over a 24-hour period .
19 An invitation is required for each republic to be visited .
20 Table 6.6 shows the very different results obtained when the actual time required for each retrieval , including head movements , is used to calculate break-even points , rather than average accesses per retrieval .
21 Appendix A describes the LIFESPAN delivered software and the files and directories required for each LIFESPAN process .
22 And it 's got victory written in small letters all over it and of course the v for victory and this this particular design here has got items of clothing and the number of coupons required for each item scattered over .
23 Separate votes are required for each item of spending and tax relief and they are published together .
24 If half the records on a track have to be moved one at a time , and a device revolution is required for each movement , additions can take a great deal of time .
25 Over a finite path a different frame in free fall may be required for each path element .
26 This increased stiffness offers more power without increasing the effort required for each shot .
27 A written waste policy designating areas for collection and specifying the colour codes and bags to be used is now required for all departments and wards .
28 Not only is the Bundesrat 's consent not required for all laws ( Article 77(3) ) but , in addition to its power to overrule the Bundesrat ( Article 77(4) ) , the Bundestag has virtual carte blanche to extend its area of competence , in virtue of an article which is a perfect formulation of ‘ subsidiarity ’ :
29 Psychological testing will also be required for all teachers and educational administrations .
30 Whilst in general planning permission is required for all development , certain uses falling within a class specified in an Order made by the Secretary of State may be undertaken without the need for planning permission .
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