Example sentences of "account [pers pn] give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tho' I highly respect Mrs. Leapor 's character from the account you give of it , yet as she was absolutely unknown to myself , and I am but little acquainted even with her writings , I am upon this account as well as many others , entirely unfit for such an undertaking as you propose .
2 Beesley watched the action with his daughter on several successive evenings , and what follows is based upon the account she gave to me .
3 Intuitively , it would seem desirable that whatever account we give for the role of an expression like in other words in a phrasal apposition like [ 10 ] we give the same account for its role in a reformulation involving complete sentences , for example [ 9 ] .
4 They found that young mothers seemed to give health visitors a more idealized version of how they treated their babies than the account they gave to Elizabeth Newson , who was not seen to have any authority over them .
5 If you believe the Thames Valley CID — not the account they gave at the inquest , when the events were still fresh in everyone 's minds , but the one they came up with in the months following my return to this country — then having lured Dennis on to the river and dosed him with draughts of spiked bubbly , Karen and I went ‘ One , two , three ’ and heaved him overboard .
6 Just as his theoretical awareness of the importance of sense-experience as a basis for science went along with an increasing interest in practical , experimental investigation of the world , so his theoretical advocacy of Epicurean atomism went along with his actual use of it in his own work ; for example , in an account he gave of various optical phenomena produced by the sun .
7 The residential workers found him evasive in the account he gave of his actions and feelings .
8 The account he gave of it was detailed , detached and distinctly unenthusiastic .
9 No official minutes survive of Macmillan 's conference with 5 Corps at Klagenfurt on 13 May and therefore our main evidence for what was discussed is the account he gave in his diary , written shortly afterwards .
10 He simulates the picaresque ingenuousness of the alien , pretending to learn English from the children in order to gain their confidence , and gradually modifying the historical account he gives of himself to meet peoples ' changing conception of him .
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