Example sentences of "changes that have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most heads could identify changes that had led to a more balanced or improved curriculum , either as a result of the purchase of additional facilities or due to a change in curriculum planning .
2 The Brett-Jones Report , eleven years later , reiterated and reinforced the principal points of the Wells and Eve Reports , and recognised the enormous changes that had occurred in the intervening years .
3 On the questionnaire , we exhaustively listed the kinds of changes that had occurred in the case study schools and in the schools which we had earlier visited , and asked teachers whether any of these had occurred in their school .
4 Mr Mitterrand , who will visit the southern city of Leipzig today , said on television he was looking forward to his talks with East Germany 's new leaders after the extraordinary changes that had taken place in the country .
5 The therapist pointed out that the changes that had taken place in her life were the result of her having discussed her problems with her family and having taken the necessary steps to solve them .
6 In general , the Fulton Committee 's critique was overdone in that it was attacking a caricature of the service which was never wholly true , and certainly underestimated the changes that had taken place since the late 1950s .
7 On his return , Williams could now see for himself the changes that had taken place in the social and political structure of Trinidad and Tobago during his absence .
8 It replaced square and rectangular section spar material sometime in the 1930s , and the only changes that have arisen are in the timber used and the sizes .
9 All family health services authorities are funded equally to purchase professional advice on prescribing , but evaluation of the success of medical advisers has been impeded by a variety of changes that have affected prescribing .
10 The changes that have affected rural population and landholding patterns are due less to the profitability or otherwise of agriculture itself than to developments pertaining to the economy as a whole .
11 Of course , each village does contain its own unique qualities , but to dwell on these only serves to obscure the nature of the changes which have overtaken them , since a concern for the minutiae of each individual village leads us to lose sight of the widespread changes that have affected almost all villages in recent years .
12 Although writers and writing are the subjects of most of these essays , the themes they present are essential to understanding both the extraordinary political changes that have swept through Eastern Europe , and the human condition under communism .
13 Tempting as it is , the idea of free markets as casinos or slave-masters sits uncomfortably with many of the other big changes that have swept over international finance .
14 Such a forecast would not attempt to predict the moment-to-moment changes that have led to the steady state .
15 Stewart argues that ‘ the corporate approach has led to important structural changes that have created new roles for actors in local authorities ’ ( Stewart 1983 : 172 ) .
16 Whatever the support or not for these values , the book fails to recognize the wider changes that have gone on in the family and in gender relations , changes which may be quite separate in origin from the question of poverty , although they add to the poverty of women and children .
17 Changes that have taken place in the Highland Zapotec region of Oaxaca , Mexico , are a good example .
18 Before we go on to consider these studies of local politics , think about other major economic and social changes that have taken place within Britain since the mid-1970s — such as deindustrialization , or the large increase in home ownership .
19 Before describing the current guidelines in detail , it is worth reviewing the policy changes that have taken place over the last two decades .
20 These will enable you to see the real changes that have taken place .
21 This is partly because of a number of important changes that have taken place in the scale of the protest , the targets against which it has been directed , and the tactics that have been employed , but particularly because of some fundamental changes in the broader political social and economic context in which the protest is now taking place .
22 It includes short articles summing up some of the main changes that have taken place and which are apparent in the tables .
23 The chapters by Rowntree , Broadfoot and Nuttall examine a number of key developments in the assessment of pupil performance , and point to the rapid speed and scale of changes that have taken place in recent years .
24 However the changes that have taken place in society in recent decades , resulting in the rapid growth of youth unemployment , have also resulted in a greatly reduced importance of certification at 16+ for selection purposes .
25 To anyone familiar with the writings of authors such as Gummer , who are critical of the changes that have taken place in post-war Britain , the characteristics he highlights will be similarly familiar .
26 Some of the main changes that have taken place are examined below .
27 The legislation was introduced as part of a more general swing in the climate of opinion which has almost certainly contributed to changes that have taken place in the recent past : girls ' achievement , while still below that of boys ' , has nevertheless begun to catch up .
28 In outlining the main changes that have taken place in the family in industrial society it has sometimes been maintained that one of the most important changes has been the evolution of a more egalitarian or more democratic family structure .
29 The very large collections of rocks , minerals and fossils from many parts of the world demonstrate the succession of changes that have taken place throughout the Earth over the vast span of geological time .
30 They are too old to be worried about the physical changes that have taken place in them , but I also see that they share a certain self-regard , a comfort which — I hazard a speculation — is robbed from old people in our cities .
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