Example sentences of "necessary for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By Vietnam 's own calculation some US$600 million would be necessary for economic restructuring up to the end of 1993 .
2 The only clearly distinctive point that the Opposition have made about convergence is : ’ Labour 's supply-side policies are the policies necessary for real convergence . ’
3 Health regulations are subject to change , and you should check with your own doctor prior to departure as to which inoculations the Department of Health consider it necessary for specific areas .
4 They are aimed at providing individual candidates with the skills necessary for specific job requirements from junior secretary through to Board level secretary and beyond .
5 The practical implication of these facts is that careful preparation may be necessary for industrial salespeople , either when selling to new companies or when selling to existing customers where the nature of the product is different .
6 Although there is no requirement to notify the Society of the name and address of a newly formed MNP , it may be necessary for separate reasons , such as the need to keep the Law Society informed of a solicitor 's practising address .
7 It is becoming increasingly clear that this whole process , defined in one recent study as ‘ a set of procedures for uniting those who control the resources necessary for certain tasks ( the members of a municipal council or the shareholders in a company for example ) with those who use the goods or services produced from these resources ( pupils , patients , tenants , customers , etc. ) 'i is itself part of policy making .
8 Part of each functional staff was now dedicated to the new businesses , but significant parts were kept functional in order to achieve the synergy necessary for certain processes to occur .
9 It is whether children with special needs should attend a special school , and of course the argument from this point of view is that a special school can have staff specially trained to deal with that kind of child , the sort of resources that they need , the protective environment that 's necessary for certain disabilities , and of course there are many special schools around — we 've got one here in Brighton for the deaf , for instance — there are a number of examples that one can point to .
10 At best constructivism is a developmental theory about what kinds of organism-environment interaction are necessary for certain kind of understanding .
11 This fear derives more from a recognition that they often lack the additional personal qualities which they see as necessary for certain types of work , which is why most policemen are reluctant to deal with rape victims or to undertake community and neighbourhood policing .
12 Men , rather than women , learn the skills necessary for certain types of criminal activity .
13 This suggests that if a planning phase of speech is disrupted , then the following phase which forms part of the same semantic cycle will no longer be fluent because the prior semantic planning necessary for fluent speech has not been completed .
14 A job description may be necessary for administrative reasons but its relevance to R&D work is questionable .
15 Vitamin A is necessary for healthy vision and resistance to infection , and a good intake reduces the risk of cancer .
16 Folic Acid is necessary for healthy blood formation .
17 Vitamin A is also necessary for healthy growth of cells .
18 Eric Evans , of the Department of Agriculture at the University of Newcastle , says that in many areas levels have fallen below the critical 20 kilogrammes per hectare necessary for healthy crop growth .
19 This region has been found in the sea urchin gene to be necessary for maximal transcription in in vitro experiments , a similar function to that found in vivo for oligo I ( 26 ) .
20 It was workers of this kind , with the level of articulacy and the modicum of leisure necessary for political involvement , who provided the hard core of labour activists .
21 Prior to the 1830s , personal morality had not been seen as necessary for political eminence .
22 In these circumstances it was necessary for central government to pass supplementary estimates asking Parliament to vote more money to the Health Service or to local authorities .
23 ‘ The aim is that the creative function , which is necessary for European identity will be protected ’ , he has said .
24 Courses were necessary for mainstream teachers , including headteachers , to help them cater for the multilingual population of their schools , and Heads of Modern Languages , who were often given responsibilities for South Asian languages despite the current limitations of their professional competence to foreign European languages , were a prime target for reorientation courses .
25 Vitamins and minerals often work together in this respect , and some are necessary for normal energy production , the use of protein in growth and tissue repair , and in many other functions , ranging from hormone production to effects on skin quality .
26 It is necessary for normal science to be to a large extent uncritical .
27 Black Orcs are not affected by Animosity so no test is necessary for Black Orc units .
28 The group course is still necessary for interpersonal skills but much further relevant learning tailored to the individual 's needs can take place outside a group structure .
29 Having described the assumptions of the approach , we shall now describe the cognitive processes necessary for skilled reading and spelling , emphasising the subskills involved in word recognition , anticipation , and integration .
30 Much of Western psychotherapy draws , in various forms , on the catharsis model , whereby it is held as necessary for emotional health to come to terms with the repressed anger that is assumed to be inside the individual , and techniques are developed to make the individual confront these in a dramatic form .
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