Example sentences of "reason [to-vb] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Christian psychologist Paul C. Vitz has said , ‘ From Freud 's example , one has reason to suspect that behind many an atheist , agnostic or sceptic of today lies shame , disappointment or rage directed at the father .
2 There is reason to hope that in coming years the fields of pronunciation teaching and of experimental phonetics will become much more closely linked .
3 They it 's simple , it 's nice , it 's elegant and it 's not an item at all unless you have a further premise that the world itself is simple , nice and elegant and you have no reason to believe that at all , but since that applies across all sides , I think linguistics is in no worse shape .
4 However , there is reason to believe that with scientific explanations , the optimal approach would involve discussions between groups of children , so long as the children start with differing but partially relevant ideas .
5 There is therefore no reason to believe that in such a system these two relatives are equally my mother 's husband or that they both have similar sexual rights over my mother .
6 We should also note that there are at least two different factors which may lead us to feel that some notion deserves emphasis ; one of course is contrast with another property that might have been expressed ; the second is salience of the notion within the particular situation envisaged ; this would presumably be true for : ( 16 ) Geraldine told us a long story about bee-keepers With these points in mind , we should now compare ( 15 ) with ( 17 ) and ask ourselves how much emphasis of either kind is present in ( 17 ) , provided that it is not " read in " in order to support the hypothesis : ( 17 ) the ideas discussed will be put to our colonel topics suitable could include divorce and bankruptcy buildings adjacent will be closed for three days Since there is no doubt that these sentences might be used in situations where the property of the adjective would not be contrastive , the only candidate which may have any plausibility is the " salient on this occasion " variety , though there does not seem to be very strong reason to believe that in all cases where these sentences could be used the adjective property will be salient ; we return to this later .
7 There was no reason to suppose that in proceedings under Order 5 , rule 5 , it was intended to enable a named representative defendant to claim against a member of the represented class without complying with the requirements of the county court rules .
8 They will probably correctly object that this theory of mine seems to get things round the wrong way , and that even if we grant my argument that growth in the power of the state detracts from that of the individual 's superego , there is every reason to suppose that in most cases the total power came first , and the deterioration in personality , however we like to describe it , later .
9 There is no reason to suppose that in Harlingdon Ltd such an exclusion clause would not have been maintained , especially since it would hardly be likely to deter art experts from using their skills in the market place to discover masterpieces .
10 He saw no reason to add that from now on , her body would break down : she would gradually become slower in her movements , she would tire more easily and lack stamina , and she would probably have another stroke in seven years ' time — at the latest .
11 This discovery does make the point that trade had been established and there is no reason to think that in the closing years of his reign , when Cunobelinus was showing strong pro-Roman tendencies these commercial links with the Roman world would not have been fostered .
12 Although the number of cars registered in Wales fell slightly during 1992 , there was little reason to think that in the long term we will not be faced by an unsustainable surge in the number of private vehicles using Welsh roads .
13 Someone may now say : nevertheless , though checkerboard solutions may be desirable for that reason on some occasions , we do better to reject their use out of hand in advance , because we have reason to think that in the long run more discrete injustice will be created than avoided through these solutions .
14 However , while climatic conditions could lead to some long-term changes in the economy and to sharp annual variations in food prices , there is no reason to doubt that over a long period movements in prices and wages do indicate whether population was rising or falling .
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