Example sentences of "can not be treated " in BNC.

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1 In showing that cognition as a whole can not be treated behaviouristically , I have not thereby shown that a behaviouristic treatment of sense-experience is false .
2 The balance of payments in the period immediately after the Second World War can not be treated as a simple economic constraint , imposing inescapable policy responses .
3 Bodies or groups of human beings may have legally recognized rights and duties , which can not be treated as the rights and duties of the members .
4 The role of the team leader is to support the village health worker in her activities by providing consultation , treatment that is beyond the skill of the village worker , and referral of patients who can not be treated in the village to the main health centre ( the third tier ) in Jamkhed which has facilities for diagnosis , acute care , in-patient treatment , and training .
5 Newman argued that as a commitment in the light of evidence that can not be treated as proof , religious belief is like rather than unlike other forms of belief .
6 A situation could arise where harmful bacteria , having become immune to disinfectants , survive to cause illness which can not be treated by antibiotics .
7 The nosodes are invaluable for clearing up inherited predispositions and acquired disease toxins which often can not be treated in any other way .
8 Sadder occasions occur ambulance charters need to be carried out , typically to Southampton with a patient who can not be treated satisfactorily in the islands .
9 We may raise , although this is not yet the place to answer , the question : does he need any aesthetic standards which can not be treated as implications of ‘ Be aware ’ ?
10 Many other writers working in Southeast Asia have drawn attention to the fact that particular ethno-linguistic groups can not be treated in isolation , but must be regarded as forming part of a larger social system .
11 Clearly pupils can not be treated as identical , assumed to be already equal , as though racism and sexism did not exist .
12 We had one particularly bad sexual harassment case which came out of West Belfast a couple of years ago , which I think was a landmark in the recognition by the courts that women can not be treated with indignity and in the way that that girl was treated .
13 Other features of the phenomena which can not be treated in this way are ignored or denied any narrative or causal significance .
14 And the confrontation with Germany and Austria-Hungary , which triggered the upheaval , can not be treated as a purely extraneous catastrophe unrelated to Russia 's social , economic and political development .
15 While the case may appear to support the Woolwich principle it can not be treated as a decision of any weight .
16 Until I hear from Bessie , or see for myself , that you are really trying to behave better , you can not be treated as a good , happy child , like my children . ’
17 The risks of a drug can not be treated in isolation from its benefits , from the risks of the disease being treated , or from the potentially deleterious effects of drug withdrawal .
18 " X exists " evidently can not be treated on a par with " x is green " , or " is fat " , or " runs " , for all their surface similarity .
19 Finally , existence can not be treated simply as a property of concepts either .
20 NHS professionals normally perceive day hospitals as a possible alternative to hospital admission for people who are acutely ill and can not be treated as outpatients or at home , as a place for recently discharged short-term in-patients to attend for a period while settling back into normal life , and as a place to treat , monitor and give social support to long-term patients who would otherwise live isolated lives .
21 It will further be argued that initial teacher training can not be treated as separate from other areas of teacher education and that changes in any one sector will inevitably influence all teacher education provision , initial , probation support and in-service and that in the light of this interdependence , strategies should be established for a coordinated response across the spectrum of teacher education provision .
22 Any representatives received can not be treated as confidential in view of the provisions of the Local Government ( Access to Information ) Act 1985 , which makes available such documents for public inspection .
23 ’ I must repeat my warning that the South Wales Constabulary can not be treated like a sponge and continually expected to absorb an ever-increasing workload without an inevitable decline in the quality of the service we provide ’ .
24 They were told that the underlying constipation can not be treated in a short period of time .
25 Conclusive evidence that the bare and to infinitives can not be treated as meaningless variants is provided however by Jespersen 's observation that there are some cases where both forms can occur in the same context .
26 Second , health care can not be treated like any other commodity since health is a prerequisite for every other activity of living , and denying appropriate care to those unable to pay is morally unacceptable .
27 If , therefore , a person occupies or uses land by licence of the owner with the paper title and his licence has not been duly determined , he can not be treated as having been in " adverse possession " …
28 If this interpretation of the function is correct , that is , if is in reality a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism , then it can not be treated at one and the same time as a trade off relation .
29 Finally , although characters within the play itself can not be treated as objective observers , there are occasions , as with McKendrick 's sardonic comment on Anderson 's urbanity , where their statements on others in the play may be accurate and influential on our interpretation of characters .
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