Example sentences of "can not be left " in BNC.

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1 The problem can not be left for his generation to solve .
2 Indeed it does , and it seems the job can not be left to the mere television reviewer either , for criticism soon leaked from the cultural pages to the overtly political ones , even reaching as far as the editorial sections of some newspapers .
3 This task is , in my view , something for all of us , and can not be left to doctors or parents to determine , unless we decide formally to authorize them to do so by law .
4 Whenever she wants to go out , she may have to arrange for someone to come and ‘ sit in ’ if her parent can not be left alone ; and suitable ‘ mother-sitters ’ are always much harder to find than ‘ baby-sitters , .
5 → Dealing with your ideas in order , buying a secondhand valve amp to use with your existing combo speaker would not work because of the complex switching required to bypass the amplifiers into dummy loads ( a valve amp can not be left on without the speaker or a dummy load in circuit ) as well as input routing to both amps .
6 First the vehicle can not be left in the car park attached to the business premises because of the severe vandalism which takes place in the local area .
7 Also it can not be left inside the premises each night without a good deal of work to rearrange the production floor to accommodate it .
8 The rest is the information locked up in people 's brains and which can not be left behind .
9 The debtor can not be left with a sum each week less than his protected earnings rate .
10 Benefits such as ‘ death in service ’ benefits and discretionary payments from personal schemes payable by your employer can not be left by will .
11 Similarly , the recognition that what is said about Jesus in the New Testament is the expression of faith in him , and that this side of the matter , though not the only one , can not be left out of account , has also become a basic axiom of much modern New Testament study .
12 While in this survey we are chiefly concerned with modern Protestant theology , and with its main development in the west , the impact upon it of this new ecumenical awareness can not be left out of account .
13 However , the matter can not be left there .
14 Lott quotes Grady : ‘ An awareness of the different social and economic conditions for women and men can not be left to sociologists if psychology is to maintain its integrity as a science ’ ( 1985 : 160 ) .
15 The ERM can not be left unmodified .
16 Furthermore , the interpretation can not be left undecided : both speaker and hearer must select a reading ( the same reading ) if the sentence is to play its part in a normal conversational exchange .
17 Raising the level of skills amongst British workers is so crucial , not only to any immediate programme of moving back to full employment , but also to maintaining and improving Britain 's long-term performance , that the question of training can not be left to the free play of market forces .
18 This is something that can not be left to the dub because we will see the wind from the propellers buffeting the actors .
19 He urged the court to accept the argument of the commission that the assessment of the need for and proportionality of specific legislation can not be left to the national courts .
20 In the absence of this information , it is sound practice to make a secondary arrangement of key words ; they can not be left as they are above , for they make sense only as their interrelation is explicitly shown .
21 This can not be left unchallenged .
22 Lee stated that the economy had reached a " stagnant situation that can not be left alone " .
23 A laissez-faire approach of non-intervention has had few adherents in the past , since most economists have accepted that theory and evidence do suggest that matters can not be left entirely to the market .
24 Electronic records or resources can not be left to languish unattended , they require continual attention .
25 The role of judge can not be left to the exchange prosecutors , but must be given to an independent adjudicator or tribunal .
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