Example sentences of "can [be] said to have " in BNC.

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1 Who can be said to have killed him ?
2 Although Symphonic Variations was not intended as a ritual , Ashton can be said to have used it as such for six dancers who were practising their art in the spacious simplicity of Sophie Fedorovitch 's décor .
3 What emerges from the space of humanism contradicts what once defined that space ; in this sense Fanon can be said to have followed the path of the perverse : a negation of the dominant is made from a trajectory that emerged from it — a deviation from , which is also , simultaneously , a contradiction of .
4 The Navy can be said to have won the first round of the long-running carrier battle , which was to bedevil Naval-Air relations for the next decade .
5 Moreover , elements of the personality cult had attained far wider resonance and , as we have seen in earlier chapters , can be said to have affected the vast majority of the population , leaving completely untouched only sections still wholly anchored ideologically in left-wing philosophies of life , those totally alienated by the attacks on the Churches , and a few exceptional individuals among intellectuals and members of the upper bourgeoisie who despised the irrationality of the Führer cult , were entirely nauseated by the populist vulgarity of Nazism , and could see national disaster looming .
6 But both can be said to have a basic requirement for nitrogen , which they incorporate into their own proteins and nucleic acids .
7 Lyotard 's definition of postmodernism as the subversion of metanarratives , then the nouveau roman can be said to have rejected the totalizing metanarrative of existentialism , even if only to have replaced it with a literary-historical metanarrative of its own .
8 I suppose there is a trivial sense in which many ideas can be said to have ‘ opposites ’ .
9 In some cases , incidentally , this is so precise that embryologists can give a name to each cell , and a given cell in one individual organism can be said to have an exact counterpart in another organism .
10 If , for example , a mother has been forced to resort to repetitious shouting , whining appeals and querulous naggings , the child can be said to have learned — learned to ‘ turn off ’ what is being said .
11 If , as in English equity , the beneficiary can be said to have equitable ownership , there is reason in allowing that ownership to be asserted over objects which replace the original trust property in the hands of the trustee .
12 The first section of this chapter sums up the differences which have emerged between legacies and trusts in the course of this book , and goes on to consider whether or how far or in what sense classical law can be said to have reached a fusion of legacy and trust .
13 It follows then that when the student can correctly apply the rule in a variety of situations , she can be said to have learned the rule .
14 Thus the hypothesis provides a meaning to primitive ‘ goodness ’ and also suggests the period during which it can be said to have originated .
15 As such Reports go , therefore , Younger can be said to have been fairly effective , in spite of being limited by being unable to consider public sector threats to privacy .
16 There seems to be no sense in which the idea of the Commonwealth can be said to have developed from Indirect Rule , but the similarity of the language employed , and the fact that enthusiasts for one were usually enthusiasts for the other , would appear to suggest that the two ideas sprang from the same rich soil , composted over the years of imperial fact and imperial fancy .
17 For one thing , theories about the beginning of the present phase of the Universe can never be more than theoretic ; and for another thing , there is no reason to think that the Universe , as such , can be said to have ‘ origins ’ .
18 I have no idea what Satan 's personal appearance is like — if a spirit with virtually no personhood left can be said to have an appearance — but the divine drama knows him for what he is .
19 By 1818 , when the War of Independence was over and the Republican Revolution can be said to have been won , America had rejected both the Crown and religious establishment , and had accepted a creed that granted religious toleration and the ‘ natural rights of man ’ .
20 So , all in all , only about three-quarters of those who changed their minds with additional information can be said to have genuinely interpreted that information , and made a rational choice .
21 Whether or not these can be said to have caused an increase in poverty depends , of course , on the definition of poverty chosen , as has been described above .
22 Where organizational defects were involved therefore , the prosecution can be said to have led to significant organizational improvements in at least 60 per cent of cases . ’
23 Within the culture as a whole these popular activities can be said to have established a limited , unresolved but not entirely unsatisfactory position .
24 The locational analysis school can be said to have
25 In as much as a school can be said to have an approach ( eg formal , informal , team taught , class or group based , or one where streaming and setting or vertical or horizontal grouping is practised ) , the degree to which members of staff conform to it very much depends on how the school is led .
26 Finally , and to further compound the confusion , there were a number of differing schools or sects — and even , apparently , sects within sects — that constituted the Judaic orthodoxy of the time , if , indeed , any such orthodoxy can be said to have existed .
27 Their front end has a mouth below and a few light-sensitive spots above so that the animal can be said to have the beginnings of a head .
28 The graphemes themselves are individual letters or small groups of letters such as " b " , " ou " , and " ght " , and when we can identify these graphemes and then pronounce them together as the sound represented by /bo:t/ ( which rhymes with " port " ) , we can be said to have used the GPC rules .
29 The one idea that can be said to have made a firm impression from the psychoanalytic approach to dreaming is that these experiences come from within the mind , rather than from outside ( although in the case of Jung 's psychology even this is not clear ) .
30 By way of abbreviation of what is stated by the independent conditionals in ( 5 ) , cc can be said to have necessitated e , and e can be said to have been necessary to cc .
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