Example sentences of "have had some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tricon Foodservice Consultants has been brought in to give advice , but the Cassons have had some difficulty in accepting the drastic measures needed to ensure survival .
2 The taxonomists have had some difficulty in placing tree shrews in the right zoological category .
3 Acquiring this kind of expertise brings its own rewards and it is gratifying to discover that it is often easier to explain a subject to others when you have had some difficulty mastering it yourself .
4 It requires either a full repeat survey to identify the life style-groups again if any follow-up research is to be done , or else the creation of a sort of shorthand classification for research and analysis ; it seems that different products tend to be best looked at in terms of rather different life style groupings , so that , ideally , each requires its own major survey — which rather loses the point of the exercise — and researchers have had some difficulty in replicating the results .
5 Already they have had some success with soil around a leaking petrol tank at LLNL , and Matthews ' group thinks that TCE-contaminated soil should be a practical target .
6 manufactures have had some success in making less harmful products , but these have not always been popular with users
7 Again using Stitch World I have had some success with patterns in tuck stitch , with certain needles out of work .
8 These moves have had some success and adult education is probably now more open , more flexible and more responsive to the needs of the whole community than it was then .
9 It is also very important for you to reward yourself when you have had some success .
10 We are sure you have tried to lose weight before , and have had some success and some failures .
11 On the other hand , nationalist movements within industrial countries have had some success when they have been able to establish strong party organizations , as in the case of the Scottish National Party or the Parti Quebecois , or more recently in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia .
12 Erm we have had some success in this year and we have , hope that we will have similar success in the future .
13 I can assure you , I hold no brief for these wretched people , but as I said , I have had some experience — ’
14 Unlike Leavis 's , Winters 's deconstruction of tradition proved too extreme to have even a temporary lodgement in the academy , though his readings of sixteenth-century poetry have had some influence , and a theorist such as Gerald Graff acknowledges a debt to Winters , who was his teacher .
15 In a more limited way , perhaps , the sociological studies of political parties and elections , from Michels onwards , have had some influence upon the manner of conducting political campaigns , and even upon the prevalent conceptions of democracy .
16 It is possible that they have had some influence upon the Government of the UK during the 1980s , which has been markedly less disposed to intervene as directly in industry than its predecessors .
17 I have had some problems with repeated sinus infections , part of which is due to the area I 'm living and working in , therefore will necessitate long-term treatment .
18 I have had some problems .
19 He says it 's going well so far , although we have had some problems with ticket touts .
20 Departmental libraries have had some degree of autonomy in the past , and copies of theses could be found in the departmental libraries in Geology ( for geology , geochemistry , palaeontology , mineralogy , and geophysics ) and Geography ( physical geography , geomorphology , soils , etc . ) .
21 I have had some stick this week .
22 Er I have had some successes to date .
23 Finally , I have had some dealings with the Linlithgow Bridge Community Council and their Chairman , .
24 As the class progresses , those women who have had some schooling race ahead , while the rest , who speak little Spanish , stumble and get confused .
25 Adelaida points out the different groups : the ‘ grandmothers ’ , who sit in the sun spinning and chatting ; the ‘ complete illiterates ’ , mostly older Aymara women who are making their first letters with painstaking care ; the ’ functional illiterates ’ who have had some schooling and progress more rapidly ; and the groups which practise their recently acquired literacy skills using materials on health and nutrition .
26 ‘ I think probably we ought to leave it until you have had some sleep .
27 Well I by good luck have had some copies of the petition sent down to me , so I started it , it immediately and I had in the first they made over one thousand one hundred and twenty five signatures .
28 This created the conditions which were to set the pattern of religious justification for strife for centuries to come , and there is little doubt that nearly all , if not all wars in historic time have had some kind of religion or ‘ god ’ put forward as requiring the human race , or parts of it to engage in bloodshed and misery .
29 Of the many functional classifications of language that have been proposed , three have had some currency in literary studies .
30 But still very little has been done : only medieval Lincoln and modern Brighton have had some attention recently .
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