Example sentences of "we [vb mod] remember that " in BNC.

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1 If Eliot had been formed by St Louis , then we should remember that for him St Louis had been not simply a city , but also ‘ the beginning of the Wild West ’ .
2 We should remember that he does not claim definitely to be refuting the Aristotelians , but merely to be pointing out what may be said against them .
3 When we get fed up with the worship , the vicar , the organist , or other elements of church life , we should remember that justification by faith in the fellowship means accepting that our differences are as important to God as our similarities .
4 Moreover , before we speak of the transfer of powers , we should remember that these men were not nineteenth-century constitutional lawyers , any more than they were eleventh-century papal reformers .
5 Oral tradition played a major role in education , and we we should remember that many of Charles ' legal documents were merely written reminders which related to verbal laws , decisions , commands and traditions .
6 We should remember that very little was known at that time about the ways in which the ovaries influence distant organs .
7 We should remember that neither Marx nor Engels , his co-author , proposed a theory of crime ; and it has been later social theorists working within a Marxist framework who have developed a Marxist theory of crime .
8 If we feel sorry for the dying cat that can not understand what is happening to it , we should remember that it has one enormous advantage over us : it has no fear of death , which is something we humans must all carry with us throughout our long lives .
9 We should remember that homosexuals form part of society , and they can exert their influence on the prevailing norms and values and therefore also on legislation .
10 When we moan about them , we should remember that 31 reporters have died in Yugoslavia since the fighting began .
11 As we design more and more committees , task forces , teams and production groups within organizations , we should remember that there are advantages ' and disadvantages in using groups as decision-making devices .
12 We should remember that it was ill the employers " interests to claim that it was not worth providing women with a long training because they would waste it by leaving early ; while it was in the trade union 's interest to claim that women were incompetent because they had only received a short training .
13 First , we should remember that the individual assignments for which casual workers are engaged are all of a short duration .
14 First , we should remember that the British economy has been in relative decline compared to the rest of the world for a hundred or more years — long before there was ever any concern expressed about adversary politics .
15 Having said that , governments would be more responsible to Parliament ; Parliament would be stronger relative to the executive ; and party leaders could be " weaker " , but we should remember that there is nothing essentially democratic about reviving the parliamentary government of the nineteenth-century liberal constitution .
16 We should remember that Δ ν=+1; is also permitted , but that this corresponds to the emission of radiation in the IR or to the anti-Stokes lines in the Raman spectrum , which will be weak , as the population of molecules with ν > 0 will be small .
17 We should remember that causing death by reckless driving carries the same five-year maximum penalty as is included in the Bill .
18 When Labour promise more for the NHS we should remember that more is now being spent on the NHS than ever before .
19 We must remember that this collection was put together in late 1955 , when most Jewish thinkers ' minds were somewhere between the atrocities of the Holocaust and the fearfully questionable use of the Bomb .
20 Looking back to the opening statement of the first article last month , we must remember that in the main we are thinking about these designs as decoration rather than as pure picture-making .
21 That would seem to be the case here , where we must remember that the storyteller had as his raw material a tale about a demon far , far removed from the mainstream of Israel 's talk about her God .
22 Again , we must remember that those sermons which got into print or were noticed and attacked in newspapers were not always typical : the typical is seldom noticed .
23 One reason for being hopeful is that we now make machines which do some of the things that brains do , although we must remember that there may be important ways in which brains and existing computers work on different principles .
24 On the negative side and however ‘ normal ’ for the period , we must remember that Charles was responsible for a number of massacres during his campaigns ; in 782 at Verden , he ordered the slaughter of no less than 4,500 unarmed prisoners .
25 When Charles heard this news , and we must remember that even the fastest military courier might take weeks to bring such a message , he returned to Saxony with astonishing speed , taking the Saxons by surprise .
26 But above all , we must remember that it is our policemen and women who are in the front line of the battle .
27 ‘ Nevertheless , we must remember that your column was never intended to encapsulate the essence of our paper .
28 That We must remember that 300 years ago British slavers dragged millions of Africans halfway round the world to work on British sugar plantations in the Caribbean ?
29 We must remember that in 1600 , when Galileo was at Padua , the Inquisition had burned Giordano Bruno to death for daring to say that he did not believe in transubstantiation of bread into body and wine into the blood of Christ at the Eucharist .
30 We must remember that a God who can speak through donkeys and who maintains a vast army of angels does not require our services .
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