Example sentences of "we [vb mod] say that " in BNC.

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1 Speaking broadly , we may say that in the Roman church it is regarded as presumption , in the Protestant churches it is a privilege or a duty , but in the New Testament it is simply a fact .
2 Broadly , we may say that industry will have to be far less rigid ; indeed much more flexible in adapting itself to change than it has been for the past twenty years .
3 We may say that when a piece of music unexpectedly changes to a minor key this expresses a feeling of foreboding .
4 Given that the subjects were trained not to raise the negative flap at all , we may say that the difference between associates established to the two stimuli was greater in the case in which the more extensive motor response was required — that is , in the condition that produced superior transfer to a test discrimination involving the same stimuli .
5 As a rule of thumb , with samples of around 1000 individuals we may say that , if the difference in proportions is greater than 0.1 , then an interaction is present , and it is unwise to average the effects .
6 In this case we may say that the reflection shows itself through the mirror , and this illustrates the general principle that consciousness can be understood only by an examination of how it reveals itself through the material world .
7 We may say that thinking is essentially the activity of operating with signs .
8 When the requirements of duties and wishes exceed the limitations that people are working within , we may say that they come to constitute demands .
9 We may say that , whilst typically professional work is undertaken in the context of the market , any given concrete activity may have professional and amateur features attributed to it .
10 Thus for the structural functionalist we may say that the ends ( social solidarity ) always justify the means ( social institutions ) .
11 Looking back , we may say that the years around 1300 were to attain some significance in this domain .
12 Indeed we may say that there has always been such a tendency , in the patristic period likewise , to collapse the distinction between the two natures .
13 In place of saying that if the effect occurred so did the cause , we may say that the occurrence of the effect required that of the cause .
14 Similarly , we may say that merely verbal errors can be corrected in standard ways .
15 As a first approximation , we may say that an idiom 's syntactic behaviour is broadly determined by two factors : the syntactic structure of the literal counterpart of the idiom ( if it has one ) , and the fact that distinguishable syntactic constituents are not semantic constituents , and therefore are not open , for instance , to adjectival and adverbial modification , nor can they be isolated for emphasis , etc .
16 Alternatively , we may say that the plates are so close to each other ( as it would be in a practical diode ) that the electron beam has n't got a chance to spread .
17 We may say that a criterion of legal validity or source of law is supreme if rules identified by reference to it are still recognized as rules of the system , even if they conflict with rules identified by reference to the other criteria , whereas rules identified by reference to the latter are not so recognized if they conflict with the rules identified by reference to the supreme criterion .
18 The characteristic parallel band contour for ν 2 ( a 1 ) and perpendicular contours for ν 5 and ν 6 ( e ) leave no doubt about the correct assignments , and so we may say that the germyl rocking frequency characteristically lies between 550 and 650 cm -1 .
19 Although it is not in itself part of the system which generates intensional structures , and we shall not make the term part of our fundamental descriptive apparatus , we may say that the property of an adjective applies to an entity when the language user takes the property which it designates to be valid ( in positive statements ) for some entity which he or she also recognizes ( even if the entity itself may be acknowledged as an imaginary one ) .
20 By " special constructions " we mean in particular cumulative lists of adjectives as in ( 12 ) , where , however , the order may be explained by the quite general if ill-defined tendency to leave " heavy " constituents to the latest possible point , as in ( 13 ) : ( 12 ) policies foreign , social and educational ( 13 ) that salesman has just come back who kept getting in the way when you were trying to vaccinate the ewes last week Postnominal associatives may also just possibly be admitted in constructions expressing sharp opposition : ( 14 ) scientists nuclear but not biological The latter type , however , is at best questionable ; and , as a good general rule , we may say that associative adjectives do not normally occur in postnominal position .
21 Consider the two underlined phrases : ( 3 ) I 'll get some German hock for the party I 'll get some German beer for the party Speaking of the latter phrase , we may say that the noun gives us an initial outline " semantic target area " beer while the adjective , by specifying an additional property , restricts the issue to just that part of the target area which the writer wishes to discuss .
22 We may say that if the value of module is known , we can determine the value of ‘ status ’ , ‘ name ’ , and ‘ unit-points ’ .
23 Then we may say that ( 59 ) and ( 60 ) are L-tensed , but M-tenseless and non-deictic ( although they may be non-deictic in different ways ; see Lyons , 1977a : 680 ) .
24 We may say that a living body or organ is well designed if it has attributes that an intelligent and knowledgeable engineer might have built into it in order to achieve some sensible purpose , such as flying , swimming , seeing , eating , reproducing , or more generally promoting the survival and replication of the organism 's genes .
25 In the light of what we in our omniscience now know of Falkenhayn 's intentions , and of the hideous tragedy that was to ensue at Verdun , we may say that France should not have decided to hold the city at all costs .
26 We should say that their thoughts are captured by salient information where they should be centrally directed , inhibited and co-ordinated .
27 But , as Mr Gorbachev said at his Malta press conference , ‘ in order to remain realists , we should say that history decides the processes and fates on the European continent , and also the fates of those two [ German ] states . ’
28 But , as Mr Gorbachev said at his Malta press conference , ‘ in order to remain realists , we should say that history decides the processes and fates on the European continent , and also the fates of those two [ German ] states . ’
29 We can see that he had two views of what constitutes a ‘ law ’ , or perhaps we should say that he had two views as to how ‘ laws ’ manifest themselves .
30 We should say that this is a more sophisticated design than the simple unit we published and is available by mail order for an inclusive price of £39.95 .
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