Example sentences of "over and above any " in BNC.

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1 The fixed-state model conceives of knowledge as a body of facts which have an objective reality over and above any human knowing of them .
2 However , two additional issues have only recently begun to be explored : first , the extent to which the work of informal care-giving also incurs extra expenditure , over and above any additional costs arising directly out of disablement ; and , secondly , the extent to which the costs of disablement are in fact borne by carers and other members of their households , because the incomes of disabled and elderly people themselves are simply too low .
3 Those that need the automated processing of Ventura still need it , over and above any of the new facilities incorporated in PageMaker Version 3.0 .
4 There is the sense here that reason is more than the sum of its parts , and that the serious pursuit of truth can , over time , generate a way of looking at the world and an approach to forming judgements on it that stands over and above any particular truths that may be assimilated on the way .
5 Public employees would also receive a 1.2 per cent pay rise and a lump sum over and above any pay increases negotiated for 1990 , and their right to collective bargaining was recognized .
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