Example sentences of "be either [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Orders can be either phoned or faxed in to us and delivered within 24 hours , ’ Trevor Thompson emphasised .
2 Coaching involves knowledge which can be either taught or practically applied and Thornton looks helpfully at the role of the director as spiritual coach :
3 Labour is typically characterised as simply waiting to be either exploited or abandoned by capital .
4 Now in the eyes of the law , they have committed a crime , but if you put that situation before a jury , and even though the judge may instruct the jury , a crime has been committed , you must find them guilty , the jury 's inclination will probably be to say , natural justice , you , that you you done what was required of you , that you do n't deserve to be either convicted or sent to prison for it .
5 I sha n't be here to be either questioned or blamed .
6 These should be either printed or duplicated and state how many issues are produced during the year .
7 If you block paragraphs at the left-hand margin , then headings may be either blocked or centred .
8 Forward contracts can be either fixed or optional .
9 The number of changes is too great to catalogue here , but one , in particular , is worthy of mention — liquid assets , which in some cases may be either fixed or current .
10 The presence in the diet of carcinogens or pro-carcinogens is probably one important environmental factor and these carcinogens and pro-carcinogens can be either activated or deactivated by xenobiotic metabolising enzymes present in the colon .
11 Walker ( 1981 ) , for example , has shown how psychology regards the male as ‘ norm ’ ; any results which show that women behave differently tend to be either ignored or dismissed as an anomaly .
12 Those that advocated social or political change in a reasoned and intelligent manner seemed to be either ignored or ended up defeated and disillusioned by the whole sorry mess .
13 You will have been given a time at which to expect clearance to leave the hold — this could be either EAT or OCT .
14 Laos , Thailand and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees on June 29 agreed to a plan under which all 60,000 Lao refugees living in Thai camps would be either repatriated or resettled in third countries by the end of 1994 .
15 Rear-Admiral von Reuter , anticipating renewed conflict , commanded his fleet of seventy-two ships to be either scuttled or beached .
16 We planned to go full belt , we planned for 1989 to be either win or retire .
17 If now , with changes in costs , it is possible that surplus may be either increased or decreased , then it becomes of crucial importance to have some means of measurement .
18 Yet as far as discourse structure is concerned , a more fundamental distinction seems to be between formal , planned discourse , which may be either written or spoken , and less formal , unplanned discourse which — though it may also be either written or spoken — is usually associated with speech .
19 Yet as far as discourse structure is concerned , a more fundamental distinction seems to be between formal , planned discourse , which may be either written or spoken , and less formal , unplanned discourse which — though it may also be either written or spoken — is usually associated with speech .
20 Fifthly , it is a requirement that Extended responses and Reports ( i.e. any piece of writing of more than 100 words in length ) can be either written or presented orally or on tape .
21 The broad lines of advice had in fact already been established : the deflection of arterial traffic from built-up areas as far as practicable ; failing this , traffic should be either elevated or sunken when passing through urban areas ; vehicles , cyclists and pedestrians should be segregated on important traffic routes ; frontage access should be restricted ; fly-over crossings should be provided .
22 It is however impossible to eradicate the possibility of having a mentally handicapped child , and unlikely that parents will be either prepared or able to create such a perfect policy of prevention .
23 These are fragile empathies , too important to be either romanticized or ignored .
24 However , the Board was unenthusiastic : there would be either limited or no consumer choice , and restricted access for the public would cause difficulties arising out of conflicts of interest between parties ; the Board was ‘ far from satisfied that there is generally a sufficient spread of the skills to make any form of competitive tendering a realistic or worthwhile exercise now or in the near future . ’
25 Over 1500 teeth were examined from pellet samples of adult birds from South Africa , Kenya and England , and none were found to be either digested or broken .
26 So with one of the four functions normally predominant over the other three we can speak of a sensate , intuitive , thinking or feeling type of person , who can be either extroverted or introverted .
27 What does seem to be a reasonable inference , however , is that this child would normally offer a response to an ambiguous or unclear statement on the confident expectation that his choice will be either confirmed or disconfirmed by the speaker .
28 She knelt down on the cushion , placed her ungloved hands together , closed her eyes and appeared to be either thinking or sleeping in an upright kneeling position .
29 Since many of the acts penalised are likely to amount to offensive conduct within the terms of section 5 , it is to be regretted that the opportunity was not taken to examine this jurisprudential anachronism which , although it no longer carries a power of arrest , should perhaps be either modernised or repealed in its entirety .
30 There was a glitter in his eyes , and Rostov realised that he was trying to manoeuvre Burun into a situation where he would be either hurt or embarrassed .
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