Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] eye " in BNC.

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1 All he could discern on that side was a shade of difference between dark and light ; but with the one eye remaining he missed very little of what went on about him , and within the week he was out of his bed and trying his skill at aim and balance about the rooms and staircases .
2 He was looking at her now , not with the leer of a natural lecher , nor with the beady eye of a professional digging for information , but with polite , sympathetic curiosity .
3 ‘ You will see with the inner eye ! ’ said Aziz .
4 She is the insider with the sharp eye of an outsider .
5 The symptoms are usually quite acute and can be seen with the unaided eye .
6 As we came upon the moving picture with its ability not only to entertain us but also to analyse what we could not easily see with the unaided eye , we began to recognize that we had new tools for discovery ; we now knew exactly how a horse used its feet in galloping , what an explosion was like in slow motion , what a street looked like to the condensed eye of the time-lapse camera .
7 The Moon orbits the Earth and is sufficiently close that we can see its disc with the unaided eye .
8 With the right eye she could respond to targets in both half-fields ( left , 12/12 correct ; right , 7/7 ) as in binocular viewing .
9 It is a rather less than fair criticism sometimes levelled at the judiciary that judges approach legislation with the pedantic eye of a grammarian and , indeed , sometimes with an almost perverse delight in defeating legislative intentions .
10 Paley drives his point home with beautiful and reverent descriptions of the dissected machinery of life , beginning with the human eye , a favourite example which Darwin was later to use and which will reappear throughout this book .
11 Could we dispense with the human eye , and make the computer itself do the selecting , on the basis of some biologically realistic criterion ?
12 It is also significant that the oddness of 9a can be reduced by modifying table semantically : The table with the electronic eye saw Arthur ( we know that it is the meaning of the modifying phrase which is important because the reduction in oddness depends on the open set items the phrase contains — compare The table with the melamine top saw Arthur ) ; no similar modification of bake in 11a , or table in 12a , can reduce the degree of deviance of these sentences .
13 And their small size enables tiny arthropods , some almost too small to see with the naked eye , to live in crannies , within the soil , between sand grains , and the like .
14 The body louse may lay its eggs in clothing or bedding , while the head louse , like the crab louse , cements its eggs on to hairs forming ‘ nits ’ , which are the size of a pin-head and can just be made out with the naked eye .
15 Quite often , olivine and pyroxene begin to crystallize out early on , so they may be present in the final rock as quite large crystals , up to a centimetre across , many times larger than the crystals surrounding them , and easily visible with the naked eye .
16 He examined the pieces with the naked eye , then with his glass , while behind him Isobel held her breath .
17 The whiskers were too small to see with the naked eye and nobody could possibly make a testing machine on that scale .
18 The interesting point is that the Greeks were certainly able to see Merope with the naked eye , whereas today this is virtually impossible .
19 These eggs are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye .
20 This behaviour is almost too quick to see with the naked eye .
21 It is maddening , since so often you can see traces of underdrawing on the painting 's surface just with the naked eye ! ’
22 The magnification tells you how much larger an object looks that if it were viewed with the naked eye .
23 I well remember the occasion when he discovered a brightish nova , just about visible with the naked eye and easily seen with binoculars .
24 The faintest stars normally visible with the naked eye are of magnitude 6 , and binoculars will go down to at least 8 ; my 20 × 70 pair will reach 9 .
25 With the naked eye , or with binoculars , it is possible to distinguish between two stars which differ by only a tenth of a magnitude .
26 Mu Cephei is only of the fifth magnitude ( at least , generally so ; it is somewhat variable ) , so that with the naked eye it is not impressive even though it is actually redder than Betelgeux .
27 These pairs are separable with the naked eye , but closer binaries — or , of course , optical doubles — require binoculars or a telescope .
28 I have never been confident that I can split them with the naked eye , but 7 × 50 binoculars make it easy enough .
29 There are several Cepheids well within binocular range , and some can be followed throughout their variations with the naked eye : Eta Aquilæ , Zeta Geminorum and Beta Doradûs , for example .
30 There are even several , in addition to the Pleiades , which can be seen with the naked eye ; Præsepe in Cancer ( the Crab ) and the Jewel Box in the Southern Cross are other examples .
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