Example sentences of "be [adv] understand [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Some people think that the law of judicial review can not be properly understood unless it is studied against the background of a particular area of governmental activity such as housing or immigration , in order to see how the general rules are use to deal with particular problems .
2 It was argued that social acts were essentially motivated behaviour and could be properly understood and explained only in terms of these underlying dispositions .
3 This class , whatever we call it , can not be properly understood and its historic role can not be adequately explained , outside the necessity that produces the eternal contradiction of capitalist accumulation on a mass scale .
4 Even as the century nears its end , this key fact has yet to be properly understood or acknowledged .
5 He could be warmly understanding and sympathetic , as I knew , when dealing with a friend 's problems ; but , for that very reason , a catalogue in mediocre verse of a stranger 's supposed education sentimentale was something he found thoroughly distasteful .
6 The physical mechanism underlying the proposed link between solar output and cycle length must be better understood before cycle length can be used with confidence as a proxy for irradiance changes .
7 Hereafter the penicillins were studied in countless laboratories , academic and commercial , and discoveries were made which enabled them to be better understood and used as the foundation for many new drugs .
8 As a result of this work , it is hoped that the determinants of interwar unemployment will be better understood and that these findings can be related to the results of research on the postwar economy .
9 However , there is a danger here of what I call the definitional fallacy , that is a tendency to seek to present the law as if everything was completely cut and dried , whereas such ‘ defences ’ may be better understood as ‘ excuses ’ the primary function of which , from a ( negative ) utilitarian point of view , is simply to minimize the amount of punishment actually imposed without jeopardizing the credibility of the general system of threat through which , arguably , criminal law realizes its prescriptive function .
10 It is difficult to capture accurately the complex patterns of motivation that produce an individual 's actions but I think the position of Paisley , Beattie , Foster , and others can be better understood if we distinguish motivational background and front stage .
11 It may be better understood if it is set in the context of Hindu teaching concerning the different orders or āśramas of society corresponding to the different stages of life .
12 It will be better understood if this conceptual paper is read against the reports on how this programme is being put into practice in several projects in different parts of the world and being implemented in colloquia and workshops , position papers and formal statements and declarations , in a publication programme consisting of academic studies and more popular magazines and newsletters , not only Media Development , Action and Communication Resource , but also books and periodicals published in different regions .
13 Would social surveys be better understood if both approaches to data analysis were to be adopted ?
14 ‘ The NFU is well known for representing farmers , and it 's necessary for the BHA to be easily understood as representing the hospitality industry in all its forms , ’ he said .
15 Though not absolutely essential for a first draft version of a program , it is very important for later versions to be logically structured and easily readable so that they can be easily understood and modified by the author and others if required .
16 Among the beauties of the Dewey Decimal system are its simplicity and the universal appeal of its notation , which can be easily understood and applied .
17 The benefits of this method are that it can be easily understood and it gives total control over every element at all times .
18 These dissemination procedures were a feature of an earlier project supported by the ESRC and the present project will pay particular attention to developing software which can be easily understood and used by social scientists .
19 All of this should be easily understood when it is realised that the effect of the contract being avoided or frustrated is generally that the parties are no longer required to carry out the contract ; they are excused .
20 Llewellyn-Jones ( 1981a ) also looked at lag behind the speaker and though his concern was for individual comparison , a general conclusion is that the usual 2 — 3 seconds lag of the BSL interpreter behind the speaker is not sufficient for the message to be both understood and presented to the audience in a form which can be understood .
21 In time it will be both understood and accepted as a disease that is not the fault of the sufferer and from which full recovery is possible .
22 Indeed with involuntary memory as the creative principle , one might almost dare to say that the opposition between poetry and the analytical is removed , because perhaps one of Proust 's greatest achievements as a novelist is the way in which he reveals poetry and imaginative perception as the most appropriate and authentic means by which our human experience can be both understood and recreated for ourselves and for others .
23 It has to be clearly understood that whether LMS or GMS there is inevitably going to be a change in the existing relationships at all levels ; this will have implications for where differing and changed levels of power will lie .
24 Their general demeanour was like that of elderly clubmen determined that it should be clearly understood that they were men of the world , fully alive to all the tricks of your Tom , Dick and Harry ; yet their actual questions and comments revealed that they had not the remotest notion what sort of a world it was that these East End people they were listening to actually lived in , or how to evaluate their characters and the plausibility of what they said .
25 This close liaison with the NID was obviously liable to be misunderstood within the ranks of the BDDA so that is not surprising to find the BDDA 's annual report for 1925 explaining that : The executive committee wish it to be clearly understood that the NID is not antagonistic but rather complementary to our own Association .
26 Side-drum parts are usually written in the treble clef on the note C , as above , but it must be clearly understood that the side-drum never gives a note of definite pitch .
27 I want it to be clearly understood that I do not in any way mean to suggest there is any question of prevarication when I say that as to the prospect for the future there is essentially a difference between what the plaintiff 's parents said in their statements made as recently as the twenty eighth of October of this year and what they said in their evidence about their attitude to future care .
28 Trying to clarify confusion which has arisen about the system , the Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland has issued a statement : ‘ It should be clearly understood that all registered male animals must have Cattle Control Documents transferred to the new buyer when sold at auction marts . ’
29 Dance movement in every form and style must be correctly parsed and expressed if it is to be clearly understood whether its message is simple , subtle , bold , comic or tragic .
30 That is why it is so vitally important that legislation should be expressed in language that can be clearly understood and why it should be in a form that makes it readily accessible .
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