Example sentences of "is felt [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 A leaflet headed The Case for Charging Full Cost Fees , with the sub-heading Why this is felt to be necessary , has been dished out at the party political conferences .
2 Indeed , the idea that women might take control of their desire to the point where men come to be judged as objects of pleasure is felt to be so threatening as to be tabooed .
3 An orthodox man is not allowed to hear a woman singing as this is felt to be seductive .
4 When the issue has not been discussed because it is felt to be too painful to talk about or because it is considered an unsuitable topic of conversation , then there may be problems .
5 In regards to its nature , we shall be principally occupied , not with what Mind is felt to be by its possessor , but rather with its operations as apparent to an onlooker .
6 It belongs to German nature to present oneself as un-German : a tendency to cosmopolitanism , to undermine the sense of nationhood are inseparable from the essence of German nationality ; the idea that one must lose one 's Germanness as much as possible in order to find it , that any restriction to the purely German is felt to be barbaric .
7 In the first place , though the sense of want is acute and even painful , yet the mere wanting is felt to be somehow a delight .
8 Advertising is felt to be one of the most important first choice marketing techniques by over 43 percent of firms .
9 The Council will also have to keep the curriculum under review and promote change where this is felt to be necessary .
10 In any situation where there is felt to be problems , these will not exist independently of the human beings involved .
11 This is felt to be an inadequate preparation for the work of life , because it tends to produce a super-abundant supply of an indifferent clerkly class and to create and foster a distaste for agriculture and the handicrafts , which are more indispensable to the country and are better calculated to promote independence of character .
12 All that is required must be offered and , if it is not all , it is felt to be useless .
13 At this juncture I merely want to hold on to the notion that workers are pressed , for a variety of reasons , into a dependent position of an infantile-like nature , which is felt to be unalterable , in many industrial enterprises .
14 It is true that God is not yet totally banished from his creation , but having made it and all that is in it , rather like a watchmaker constructs a timepiece , he is felt to be no longer necessary to explain the inner workings of the mechanism .
15 After all , if the self is felt to be nothing , any strategy adopted to enhance or promote it , desperate though it may be , is a step towards what most of us would consider to be health , and an action necessary for survival .
16 To the Nuer , god appears both as lofty and remote , though omnipotent , while sometimes approachable and near-at-hand : indeed on some occasions he is felt to be too close for comfort and is earnestly beseeched to withdraw his presence and leave his people in peace .
17 The closer alliance between the two houses ( E. Peel will retain its Spanish board of directors and its current staff ) would result in Spanish works of art consigned to Sotheby 's in other parts of the world being returned to Spain for sale if this is felt to be the best venue .
18 Even our code of etiquette , with its rule that women always have precedence , is a legacy from courtly love , and is felt to be far from natural in modern Japan or India …
19 One possible answer to this is that such a person is felt to be not only a representative but also representative as a person of those who chose her/him .
20 We have , then , two different kinds of language as potential objects for study : one abstracted in order to teach a language or literacy , or to study how the rules of language work , and another which has been used to communicate something and is felt to be coherent ( and may , or may not , happen to correspond to a correct sentence or a series of correct sentences ) .
21 We can perhaps include in the category of semantic indicator such cases as the dis — of disappoint , disgust , dismay , etc. , and the im — of impertinent , impudent , etc. , if the former is felt to be related to the dis — of dislike and disapprove , and the latter to the im — of impolite ; the segments — appoint , — gust , — may , — pertinent and — pudent have no discernible semantic function , and do not need a label .
22 But envy is an ambivalent structure of feeling ; it involves the desire to possess certain idealized attributes of the Other and the desire to destroy them because they signify what is felt to be lacking .
23 On occasions where this is felt to be a risk , preventive apologies may be issued in the form of prolonged negotiations to meet again soon .
24 The only guide available to what may be very popular in the future is felt to be what has been very popular in the past .
25 In many situations it is felt to be inappropriate to worship God without an organ .
26 Where it is felt to be important , information on number can therefore be encoded lexically .
27 The former could cover all cases but it is felt to be more appropriate to use fairness in the context of , for example , company inspectors , or immigration officers .
28 The administrator will have certain material to hand ; if this is felt to be inadequate he will search further .
29 A room which is thoroughly comfortable when it is felt to be simply " untidy " becomes uninhabitable as soon as it is perceived as " dirty " .
30 Whatever is felt to be abnormal is a source of anxiety .
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