Example sentences of "is [adv] possible [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Ideally we should include configuration interaction ( CI ) , but this is rarely possible except for small molecules .
2 It is highly possible that the Wandjina image inscribed by these visitors from across the sea is a direct transposition from the Indian Spectacled Cobra 's hood markings , which constituted the symbol of well-being or balance used by Hindu or Buddhist spiritual teachers whose totem was that same animal — a legacy of the ancient Nagas .
3 This is only possible after the child has been forced to recognize itself as ‘ il ’ , as an object of exchange between its parents .
4 This impossible quest , which indirectly leads to the undoing of Thingol 's own elvish kingdom , is only possible because Luthien accompanies Beren on his journey .
5 The strange fact that the professional practitioners of quantum mechanics can calculate away without worrying about the outcome of the debates about the foundations of their subject is only possible because there is a well-defined set of rules about how to set up the problems and how to do the sums .
6 The fear is unfounded and can be eased by remembering firstly that the existence of sums of US$ in NOSTRO accounts is only possible because there has been a transfer into them from the US money stock .
7 Austria is probably the best bet for summer skiing because , as the skiing is only possible until about 2pm , the prettiness of the villages and the gorgeous , unspoilt alpine meadows give plenty of scope for non-ski activities .
8 It is quite acceptable to ask to sample before you buy , although this is only possible if you are purchasing over the counter .
9 The careful exegete , however , will also be troubled by the fact that the Bible hardly majors on this issue , that we do not know the context of Paul 's two references to the subject , and that a strong anti-homosexual line is only possible if one has already assumed that such statements are immediately transferable into our situation straight from the biblical period .
10 Under the law of a number of member states ( though not the UK ) , transfer of central management and control from the state of registration is only possible if the company is wound up and reincorporated in another member state .
11 ‘ I believe happiness is only possible if you follow your feeling , your intuition , your real desires .
12 Life is more interesting if you are able to guide your own destiny , and this is only possible if you can find the time to plan .
13 This , however , is only possible if one of two conditions is fulfilled .
14 However , this is only possible when the coach really knows the karateka .
15 In the World of God we find that union with God is only possible when the barrier to that union has been dealt with .
16 Many would also say that real life is only possible when one has accepted the finiteness of life on earth as something that God uses to draw people into a closer union with himself .
17 Also , this form of search is only possible when the searcher can generate and then retract states , or store several states simultaneously , so it is not suitable with irreversible operators .
18 Scruton ( 1984 ) has argued that freedom for conservatives is only possible when subordinated to an organisation or arrangement which defines the individual 's aim .
19 Remember that Fermi resonance is only possible when a fundamental and a second-order band have the same symmetry and are close together in energy .
20 Such a credulity-straining coincidence is only possible when a dybbuk pulls the strings .
21 If I point to a particular item in a room and say " that " , we can say that the demonstrative encodes distance from the origo , whether actual or mental , and the coincidence of indexical and symbolic meaning is only possible when we know what object is being pointed to .
22 Thirdly , quality is only possible where every component of the organisation 's needs is defined and appropriate training procedures are identified and implemented in order to improve the staff selection process .
23 All this is only possible where multi-skilling and flexible skilling are the norm , rather than restrictive skill defensiveness .
24 Recognition of detrital grain morphology ( form , sphericity , roundness and , in some cases , surface textures ) in thin section is only possible where grain surfaces have not been modified during diagenesis .
25 The alternative version has the same two properties together making up a property complex that is applied to the immediately adjacent subject of the sentence ; moreover in both cases the complex as a whole is assigned syntactically to the subject E ; the sole difference is in the matter of which property is taken as " senior " to the other within the bounds of the complex , as in ( 63 ) , and in such a case this will produce an infinitesimal semantic difference : ( 63 ) However this sort of syntactic trading is only possible where the language contains suitable lexical items ; it must have an adverb and verb with the appropriate meanings ; thus , in the absence of an adverb equivalent to after a change and a verb meaning to be orange , for instance , English can not offer such an alternative for ( 64 ) : ( 64 ) in spring , their skin turns orange 5.8 The range of verbs which can occur with postverbal adjectives is in fact quite wide .
26 This is only possible where there is a transnational capitalist class willing to deal with the TNCs when , for example , the comprador role may be too dangerous or has actually been abolished .
27 That is only possible where the signer can establish ( a ) that he/she signed the document without negligence and ( b ) that he/she mistakenly thought he/she was signing a document of a fundamentally different type from that actually signed ( Saunders v Anglia BS [ 1971 ] AC 1004 ) .
28 Perhaps present arrangements make accountability more complex and confused than in the recent past but , through partnerships in communities , and a growing sense and confidence that schools and colleges are capable of managing their own affairs , it is entirely possible that the problems of accountability can be resolved .
29 It is entirely possible that this mechanism does operate , and that the members of a herd do use these clues when looking at one another .
30 In the case of the zebra , it is entirely possible that several of the nine mechanisms are working together , each supporting the other .
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