Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] alive " in BNC.

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1 I would not like to be kept alive by a machine , like a vegetable , day in day out , she had once decided , I would prefer to accept my appointed day .
2 He referred to Inwood , whose name was to be kept alive at the new hospital , and which had been likened to a ‘ five star hotel ’ , and where patients had particular cause to be grateful to the town 's GP 's who were so conveniently on hand at the Health Centre .
3 If the calf was to be kept alive the course of action was clear and time was critical .
4 If this is true , it is the more important that active approaches and positive attitudes prevail , if enjoyment in books is to be kept alive in the face of more passive forms of entertainment .
5 ‘ Is it compassionate for a person to be kept alive with tubes going into their stomach ?
6 You are to be kept alive .
7 You are to be kept alive . ’
8 Cruzan 's parents contended that their daughter would not wish to be kept alive in her present state and argued for the right to end her life .
9 It is , I decide , not my fault either that I am a human being who does not want to be eaten alive .
10 Although it is undoubtedly the case that farm animals do suffer from many of the horrors of intensive husbandry ( it can not be pleasant for a pig to be eaten alive ) there are serious questions to be asked about the extent and nature of the alleged suffering .
11 One burrow may eventually contain as many as half a dozen of these paralysed prisoners , each doomed in due course to be eaten alive by the wasp grub that hatches upon it .
12 They wept and clanked their chains and speculated on how it would feel to be eaten alive by the lions .
13 He was going to be buried alive !
14 We are to be buried alive under charters .
15 About 200-300 Awa Guajá are thought to be left alive , of whom about 150 have had no contact with outside society .
16 One of them was sentenced to be burned alive , and the other hanged , punishments dictated , apparently , not by their sexuality as such but their transvestism and use of the dildo — at once , I want to suggest , appropriations of masculinity , inversions of it , and substitutions for it .
17 Some acts put a man outside it altogether : at a summer assembly in 846 , a man guilty of sodomy with a mare was condemned " by the judgement of the Franks to be burned alive " .
18 He 'll never allow himself to be taken alive .
19 Only Fand was attacked ; Ruth guessed she and Adam were to be taken alive .
20 It was as if they 'd been ordered not to be taken alive . ’
21 The devout Buddhist sees the hare who was willing to be roasted alive so the starving brahmin could eat his flesh .
22 I do n't want to be roasted alive and eaten by the Gruncher . ’
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