Example sentences of "to be applied to " in BNC.

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1 However , the solution to be applied to overhead power lines , short of conversion to underground cable or high voltage DC transmission , is not so easy considering the very substantial voltages and currents involved and the heavy capital investment in existing structures .
2 If it kept her awake all night , then it was only right that she should wake up Jack for fresh hot-water bottles to be applied to the afflicted areas .
3 For example , legally enforceable rules need to be applied to crops such as genetically altered , frost-resistant potatoes .
4 BY SUGGESTING that women have a monopoly on being civilised , does Tony Parsons not open the door for double standards of judgment to be applied to the behaviour of women and men ?
5 For example , the analysis of stylistic details of the representation on a coin , such as the treatment of the hair or the eye , and its comparison with the same features in other well-dated art forms such as vase painting or sculpture , should enable a date to be applied to a coin series , particularly in a period of rapid stylistic change in the arts ( such as early Greece ) .
6 In this country , which has no serious experience of genuine fascism , the word ‘ fascist ’ is beginning to be applied to anyone who does not accept the statutory myth of the ‘ multi-racial society ’ , imposed on us by successive governments who have even contrived to make any open , honest discussion of it illegal .
7 ‘ Perhaps it is to be applied to some kind of child 's toy — a gunpowder-propelled kite ! ’
8 ( ii ) In the context of their own writing and that of a range of published writers , pupils should learn that , in evaluating the success of a piece of writing , different criteria need to be applied to different types ; for example , a personal letter may be valued for its warmth and humour , a report for the clarity of its organisation , and so on .
9 It is also not inappropriate that the word has come to be applied to a person 's position in society , with the clear implication that ‘ getting above your station ’ is somehow wrong and dangerous .
10 Leadership in science , which had moved from France to Germany in the late nineteenth century and from Germany to Great Britain early in the twentieth , now went to the United States , where immense resources had been developed during the war and were ready to be applied to more beneficial ends .
11 The Broad Sanctuary houses were common-place and unattractive , and it was ‘ an important question of principle ’ if this style was to be applied to other public building .
12 During the debate of the previous two years , it seemed that LEAs would be asked to identify a number of measures to be applied to schools which would allow the wider public to assess the progress of a given school , year on year , and the differences between schools in the area .
13 GPs make many decisions which have financial consequences and all the arguments for clinical budgets to be applied to hospital doctors can also be applied to GPs .
14 In her book on the local state Cynthia Cockburn develops this idea by suggesting that the main criticism to be applied to corporate planning in local government was that it was a method borrowed from the private sector and was thus inherently anti-democratic , implying control from the top and attempts to manage the community ( the reproduction of labour power ) , as well as the workforce ( in the process of production ) ( Cockburn , 1977 , pp. 6–18 ) .
15 We could specify in which hand the draw-sheet is to be held , which arm the nurse is to use to support the patient , the degree of tension to be applied to the draw-sheet to make it taut and smooth .
16 And having sanctified violence as a positive good , Bukharin then proceeded to argue for coercion to be applied to the working class also :
17 Scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) is becoming an increasingly useful tool for furthering archaeological knowledge , and it is beginning to be applied to various aspects of archaeological work .
18 Pressure continues to be applied to aircraft maintenance organisations with a view to improving the efficiency of their operations .
19 When opened , relates David Gieve in his bicentenary history of the famous tailors , it disclosed a small life insurance policy and a charming letter in which he said he wished the proceeds of the policy to be applied to settling his final account , and if there was a surplus he would be glad for Gieves to keep it as a modest token of his gratitude for a lifetime 's service .
20 The costs are low enough for the schemes to be applied to whole towns … it is estimated that the measures will be amortized within three to six years on account of saved accident costs . ’
21 There is thus no ground-swell of demand for traffic calming to be applied to those places that would benefit most , existing residential areas where accident rates are higher than in new estates .
22 If speed reducing measures such as humps were to be applied to other residential roads , then all manner of surface treatments for safety and environmental improvement — including shared spaces where appropriate — become feasible .
23 This enables greater pressure to be applied to the already compressed cake of grapes , skins , pips etc .
24 Lessons learned need to be applied to other historic sites .
25 The new requirements are largely set out in the Building Societies ( Accounts and Related Provisions ) Regulations 1992 , although where the change necessitated a change to the 1986 Act itself , that has been effected through the s 104 mechanism , which enables company law to be applied to building societies by Order .
26 Experience of urban mission in other areas of the world needs to be applied to the European situation .
27 If the algorithms for correction of the above four types of spelling errors were to be applied to our system , it is unlikely that applying them to the highest-rated allowable string ( if there are any allowable strings ) is going to find the intended word .
28 To this statement Paschal added a series of directions to Anselm showing in detail how the decrees were to be applied to parochial churches and to ecclesiastical land held by lay service .
29 All that is needed is for the philosopher 's stone of artistic intention to be applied to them .
30 Gutter sealant may need to be applied to metal guttering , and plastic guttering may need the replacement of perished foam gaskets
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