Example sentences of "it therefore [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It therefore followed that the application for admission , made on October 13 , 1988 , remained in force for 28 days under section 2(4) of the Act and not merely for 72 hours under section 135(3) .
2 He later remarked that if the government was to fulfil its role it should not be affiliated to any party , and it therefore followed that the Premier should not belong to any party either .
3 It therefore seemed that the area of the event horizon of a black hole could not be regarded as its entropy .
4 There are various exceptions erm and there have been two or three in recent years , but it therefore meant that they were fair game for saying anything so they were fair game for a very sensational headline because there was very little chance of recrimination .
5 It therefore recommended that the WEA should continue as a teaching as well as an organising body , while suggesting that some increase in financial contributions from voluntary sources ‘ would materially help to preserve its independence and its status as a voluntary body ’ — a hint that the WEA could not expect to rely too heavily on government or local authority aid and that its members and friends must continue to dig deep into their pockets .
6 It did not want any kind of disorder to be filmed , including unparliamentary behaviour by Members ( or even Members trying to attract attention by wearing fancy dress or clothes bearing slogans ) , and it therefore recommended that in all cases of disruption or disorder the director should cut to wide-angle shots , which would not show the offending incident , or to the occupant of the Chair .
7 It therefore states that many British trade unionists now suggest that we need a new industrial relations institution where a wide agenda of issues can be discussed between managers and employee representatives that work company level .
8 It therefore ruled that the new pensions should be paid to existing pensioners , but at a value below that advocated by Beveridge .
9 It therefore appears that in the first experiment a match between parts of the superficial representation of the passage was influencing the way that a deep anaphor , the pronoun they , was processed .
10 The coffins have identical plumbing and outer cases , and it therefore appears that the same funeral furnisher was used throughout , giving a continuity of thirty-one years .
11 It therefore appears that , although the Wirral heroin users differed from users in other parts of the UK in being younger , more predominantly male , and typically smokers of heroin , they shared with ‘ new ’ users throughout the country the characteristics of unemployment and relative poverty .
12 By progressive expansion of the diagonal minors it therefore appears that the two leading terms in the full expansion are unc Now if we write the determinant as unc the leading terms are unc Hence unc Example II Let unc and on expansion unc Then unc Theorem III — The product of the eigenvalues of A is
13 It therefore appears that the number of configurations that could form a black hole of a given mass , angular momentum , and electric charge , although very large , may be finite .
14 It therefore appears that an exclusion clause can apply , even to cases of fundamental breach and breach of fundamental term .
15 It therefore appears that the poorer cleavage site ( GpA ) represents a much better binding site than ApT .
16 It therefore appears that the weak bleomycin cleaage of this central GA step is at least in part determined by the low affinity of the antibiotic .
17 It therefore appears that this unusual cleavage depends on the precise structure of the cleavage site .
18 It therefore recommends that the maximum penalty for a section 2 offence should be raised from two to five years .
19 It therefore follows that it is worthy of your closest attention and your most energetic practice .
20 It therefore follows that even if you are two points ahead at the 30 seconds ' bell , the opponent can still pull these back and take the final point to win .
21 It therefore follows that , if the courts have indeed replaced manslaughter by gross negligence with manslaughter by recklessness , they have narrowed the law slightly .
22 It therefore follows that if car speeds can not be reduced , large residential areas can make gains in both their environmental traffic qualities and in their safety only by the dilution of the shared-space ideal by the provision of footpaths as pedestrian refuges .
23 It therefore follows that to receive these beacons with the point five frequencies the aircraft equipment must have sufficient bandwidth to cover at least on kHz , and at best will have a much degraded performance with reduced usable range and accuracy .
24 Now we have seen that we can use Xd in place of X , where d is an arbitrary diagonal matrix ; and it therefore follows that unc is also diagonal .
25 It therefore follows that an understanding of action requires an interpretation of the meanings which the actors give to their activities .
26 It therefore follows that objective observation and analysis of social life are possible .
27 It therefore follows that any deviation from average conditions will result in a difference between the predicted tide and the actual tide experienced .
28 It therefore follows that all sedimentary bodies , other than deep sea oozes and volcanic ash deposits , are likely to be diachronous .
29 It therefore follows that technical personnel are assigned to divisions on the basis of discipline , and for the purpose of accountability , control and maintenance of professional standards .
30 This , however , assumes that because we tend to process more semantic knowledge than non-semantic knowledge , it therefore follows that semantic processing is equivalent to making use of previous knowledge to interpret presented stimuli in a meaningful fashion .
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